ID: 21195772

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing 课件(共34张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:46615436B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit2 MORALS AND VIRTUES Reading for Writing It's a kind of traditional short story. It teaches a moral lesson. It's usually a story with animals as characters. These stories are always considered as a group. For example, Aesop's Fables. What is this kind of writing called fable 寓言 Lead in 1. Facing the tall and big mountains, Yu Gong decided to move them into the Bo Hai. 2. Believing that it was impossble to move the mountain, Zhi sou tried to persuade Yu Gong to give up his plan, but in vain. 3. Moved by Yu Gong’s determination, two Gods helped him move the mountains away. After reading the fable, I realized that I can make my dream come true as long as I stick to it. What did you learn from the fable After reading the fable, I realized that I can / should (not)… Yu Gong Moves A Mountain is a fable. Yu Gong Moves A Mountain is a short story that teaches a moral lesson. Fable is a short story that teaches a moral lesson. Fable is written to teach us to be determined, brave, humble, selfless, warm-hearted , responsible, caring, considerate, etc Q: What is the author's purpose in writing a fable to help people to be a better citizen To mark on a moving boat for a sunk sword People should deal with things as the circumstances change. the Fox and the Crow If you only like to listen to good words, you are likely to be cheated. Use your head and don't believe others easily. The Stone in the Road 1. Who placed the large stone on the road 2. What did he do after placing the stone and gold coins there 3. Why did he do so Answer the questions. A king. He hid himself and watched people’s responses. To teach his people a lesson. _____(who) wanted to _____ (why) so _____ _____(what). A king teach his people a lesson he placed a large stone on the road, hid gold coins under it and watched people’s response 1. What did the king do in a local village A. He invited someone to disguise him. B. He found gold coins under a stone. C. He moved a stone to the street. D. He hid gold coins under a maple tree to whom could help him move the stone. 2. Why did the king feel in despair A. He thought there was no one to protect their neighbours from danger. B. Nobody could find the gold coins under the stone. C. The milkman spilt all the milk. D. He could find nobody to help him remove the stone. 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage A. The milkman picked up his milk bottles and angrily left. B. The woman carrying a water pot cried because she could not move the stone. C. Nobody but the young girl felt it her responsibility to prevent her neighbours from being injured. D. The king was in despair because nobody could help him move the stone. 2. What can you infer from the fable A. The king regretted for what he had done. B. The girl and the king found the owner of the coins. C. The girl wasn’t surprised about the coins. D. The king achieved his goal at last. 4. When the kin ... ...

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