
外研版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 Earth First Understanding ideas(共18张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:23398614Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) SHARKS: DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED 01 02 03 Learning Objectives To raise awareness of wildlife protection. To learn the basic structure of the text. To use critical thinking to analyze people’s attitudes to sharks. What do you know about sharks What's your impression of sharks Activity 1 Tick the words that you would use to describe sharks. dangerous powerful endangered interesting man-eating terrifying cute intelligent huge flexible fierce ocean giant sharp teeth ... Add any more you can think of. Why did the author describe the opening scene of the film Jaws in para.1 Sharks are described in the film as dangerous and bad animals that eat humans. The opening scene of the film Jaws is used to introduce the topic of the passage. 2. Read the passage and find out how sharks are described in the film Jaws. 3. Are sharks really dangerous How is the situation of sharks after 1975 The number fell . fear of sharks finning What How influence changes What are the More people want to protect them from extinction. Summary-- Structure Sharks: Dangerous or Endangered Para. 1&2 dangerous Para. 3&4 endangered Para. 5: More people want to protect sharks from extinction. People have a normal fear of sharks. People are more frightened of sharks. The number of sharks fell greatly. Peter B’s diving experience changed his attitude. Evidence from experts . More people want to protect them from extinction. dangered endangered protected 1. To criticize Peter Benchley’s misleading description of sharks in his book and advocate the protection of sharks. 2. To explain peoples' misunderstanding of sharks and raise awareness of shark protection. 3. To inform people about sharks and recommend the film and the book to them. Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage. Activity 3 If we can figure out the author’s purpose, then we can understand the text more deeply. 作者写作有三个基本目的: 说服读者(to persuade), 告知读者(to inform), 娱乐读者(to entertain)。 Learning to learn 可以通过文章的体裁来大致确定作者的写作目的。例如: P (Persuade): 报纸上的社论或广告大多以说服读者为目的; I (Inform): 教科书、百科全书、字典、食谱或产品说明书等图书或文章多以告知读者信息为目的; E (Entertain): 童话、漫画或小说等图书多以娱乐读者为目的。 还可以通过一些问题来确定作者的写作目的: P (Persuade): Did the author try to change your mind Did the author try to make you do or believe something I (Inform): Did the author try to share information with you Did the author teach you something new Did the author tell you how to do something E (Entertain): Did the author try to make you laugh Did the author make you relax & enjoy the story as dangerous animals swimming in the sea fish for sharks fear of sharks and finning 6. was wrong about sharks behaviour to protect sharks do not see people as food protect sharks from extinction 2. sharks were bad animals that ate humans understanding sharks dive v. (通常指用呼吸设备的)潜水 Peter Ben ... ...

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