

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:23次 大小:46633Byte 来源:二一课件通
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15中高一下英语期中考试试题 【阅读理解】 A Sitting on the edge of the world, Sydney is considered as one of the world's greatest cities. Here are some things you should do and see in Sydney. 1. Explore Sydney's hottest neighborhood Many big- ticket attractions can be found in or around the Circular Quay area, right by the port. Here, you can get on ferries(渡轮) to faraway islands or go exploring on foot with the Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens and Museum of Contemporary all nearby. 2. Take side trips Popular among outdoor types, the rough Blue Mountains—about two hours by train west of the city—promises winter skiing, excellent hiking and kangaroo sightings. Walking through the national park, travelers will watch forests, waterfalls, natural caves, small villages and rock formations. The Hunter Valley, just a two- hour drive north of Sydney, is Australia's oldest wine region. Most vineyards(葡萄园) are family- owned, focusing on small production. Wine is more personal here. 3. Stay in style The classic Langham Hotel is located just west of Circular Quay, offering easy access to the famous port. As you explore its beautiful corridors(走廊), look for contemporary artworks from around the world—The Langham Hotel has the largest art gathering (more than $1 million worth) in Australia. Meanwhile, those seeking a more relaxed experience can go camping on Cockatoo Island- just a quick boat ride from Circular Quay. 4. Travel tips ●Leaving tips at the bar or for a taxi isn't expected, but it's appreciated. ●When riding in a taxi alone, it's customary to sit in the front seat. ●Bring sun cream, sunglasses and hat—whatever the season. ●On Sundays, families enjoy discounted fares on Sydney's ferries and trains. 21. What can you do in the Blue Mountains A. Explore the artificial caves. B. Watch the lovely kangaroos. C. Taste locally produced wine. D. Admire the unique corridors. 22. What makes the Langham Hotel special A. Its ideal location. B. Its first- class service. C. Its big collection of artworks. D. Its modern architectural style. 23. Which of the following is strongly suggested about touring Sydney A. Ensure sun protection. B. Offer bar tips. C. Sit behind the driver in a taxi. D. Travel by train. B Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, France on December 27, 1822. His family was poor and during his early education Pasteur was an ordinary student who enjoyed art and singing. However, when Pasteur was exposed to science as a teenager, he knew he had found his career. In 1838, Pasteur went to college to become a science teacher. He then became a chemistry professor at the University of Strasbourg. He got married in 1849 and had five children. However, three died young from typhoid fever(伤寒症) . It was the deaths of his children that drove Pasteur to investigate the infectious disease in order to find a cure. During Pasteur's time, people believed that bacteria(细菌) appeared due to “spontaneous generation(自然发生)”. They ... ...

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