
Unit 4 My family 基础达标--2024-2025学年七年级英语上册 冀教版(2024)(含答案)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:67次 大小:286944Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 My family 基础达标--2024-2025学年七年级英语上册 冀教版(2024)(含答案) 一、单词拼写 1.我们可以在那边种些花。 We can plant some flowers . 2.“What is in it ” little John (point) to the box and asks his mum. 3.—Jenny, Mum (cook) in the kitchen. Let’s go to help her. —Sure, Dad. 4.— I’m very worried. — Don’t worry. (—切) will be all right. 5.Chang An is an interesting film. We can learn about many Tang (诗) from it. 6.We are so excited to have a (野餐) today. 7.Welcome to our school, (lady) and gentlemen. I will show you around. 8.My (grandparent) live in the countryside. We visit them every week. 9.— What are the students doing now — They (read) their books. 10.My piano lesson usually starts at 5:30 and e at 7:30 in the evening. 11.—What’s your s of English learning, Linda —I think watching English movies is helpful. 12.Look! The students (run) in the playground. 13.—Mum, what’s in the box —I am not sure. It can be a (礼物) from your brother. 14.We are (用颜料画) flowers and trees in art class. 15.After a whole day of work in the hospital, Mr Clark is too tired to cook. So he buys a (三明治). 16.The boy (lie) on the bed now. 17.The child (cry) over there. What’s wrong with him 18.Look! Some birds are flying in the s . 19.After waiting for an hour, the bus (final) came. 二、完成句子 20.这个小女孩穿着红色连衣裙看起来很可爱。每个人都对她微笑。 The girl looks lovely . Everyone smiles at her. 21.越来越多的外国人对中国的茶文化感兴趣。 More and more foreigners China’s tea culture. 22.当心!地上有水。 ! There is water on the floor. 23.They in France now. 他们现在在法国旅行。 24.他总是准备好尽最大的努力。 He always try his best. 25.露西正在花园里种玫瑰花。 Lucy is in the garden. 26.鲍勃经常帮助他的妈妈摆餐具。 Bob often helps his mum . 27.我和朋友们总是在春天去野餐。 My friends and I always in spring. 28.The boy is my younger brother Bob. He has short black hair.(用with合并成一句) 29.她喜欢去户外,总是玩得很开心。 She likes to and always . 30.Julie is listening to music in her room now. (改为否定句) . 31.看!孩子们在一起正玩得很开心。 Look! The children together. 32.听,凯特。你妹妹正在卧室哭呢。 Listen, Kate. Your little sister in her bedroom. 33.她经常在周末帮助爷爷奶奶洗头发。 She often helps her grandparents wash their hair . 34.作为一名护士帮助有需要的人,我感到很自豪。 I feel proud of being a nurse to help people . 三、补全对话 A: Hi, Eric! How are you B: I’m fine, thanks. And you A: I’m fine, too. 35 B: It’s a photo of my family. A: 36 B: He is my brother. A: 37 B: He is a Chinese teacher in a middle school. A: Are those your parents B: 38 . They’re my uncle and aunt. A: Is the girl your sister B: No. She’s my cousin, my uncle’s daughter. A: Wow! Your family photo is so nice! B: 39 . 参考答案: 1. over there 2.points 3.is cooking 4.Everything 5.poems 6.picnic 7.ladies 8.grandparents 9.are reading 10.(e)nds 11.(s)ecret 12.are running 13.pres ... ...

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