
北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Celebrations Lesson 1 Spring Festival 上课 说课 课件(共41张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:35021132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Celebrations Topic Talk Festivals Special Occasions Lesson1: 了解春节的庆祝活动,探讨春节的文化内涵及其意义 Viewing workshop: 了解剪纸的文化内涵 Reading Club1: 了解春节菜肴的文化内涵 Lesson 3:了解圣诞节的庆祝活动,探讨圣诞节的文化内涵及其意义 Writing Workshop:描写一个庆典活动(输出活动1) 探讨生活中Special occasion的意义,学习参加聚会的社交规则,得体参与各种生活中的庆祝活动。 RC2: 普通日子也值得庆祝 L2: 了解参加聚会的注意事项以及学习如何在不同场合表达祝贺 Project: 制作Poster介绍一个庆典活动(输出活动2) 单元大观念:探讨庆祝的文化价值与生活价值,致力成为具有跨文化交际能力的中华优秀传统文化的传承者与传播者。 Can you guess what topic we will talk about spring couplets Unit 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festival 2 0 2 4 What flashes to your mind when it comes to Spring Festival book tickets to go home do shopping for food and clothes put up couplets make dumplings have a family reunion dinner clean the house from bottom to top stay up late receive/give lucky money in red envelopes watch the Spring Festival Gala visit relatives and friends watch lion and dragon dances have a long holiday What is the order of the three accounts Tom Jenkins a 16-year-old exchange student living in Nanjing Xu Gang a 28-year-old computer engineer working in Shanghai Li Yan a 70-year-old grandmother from Heilongjiang Time What is the order of the three accounts Xu Gang a 28-year-old computer engineer working in Shanghai Li Yan a 70-year-old grandmother from Heilongjiang Time What is the order of the three accounts Li Yan a 70-year-old grandmother from Heilongjiang Time Tom Xu Gang Li Yan Where and with whom Preparations before Spring Festival Activities during Spring Festival Find out each person’s experience of Spring Festival in the three accounts. Cleaning the house, attaching Fu upside down to the front door Setting off and watching fireworks, enjoying a big dinner At his parents’ home Booking travel tickets and choosing gifts for his parents At home children running/ shouting/ playing, adults talking / making jiaozi together With his host family in Nanjing Chatting with his parents and having hotpot Getting ready for children coming back, buying things and preparing dishes Read and get the feelings and meaning of Spring Festival to Tom. excited expectant funny happy Spring Festival meant excitement and a lot fun. eager expectant familiar great wonderful Spring Festival meant coming home and being with his family. Read and get the feelings and meaning of Spring Festival to Xu Gang. expectant excited busy funny happy joyous Spring Festival meant joy of family gathering. Read and get the feelings and meaning of Spring Festival to Li Yan. Why did Spring Festival have different meanings in their eyes different places different ages different cultures different identies … 02 04 01 03 Spring Festival Where & with whom Preparations Activities Meaning The most unforgettable Spring Festival for me. √Handwriting书写 fam ... ...

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