
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 5 Into the Wild Understanding ideas Reading课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:30次 大小:6355484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Into the Wild Understanding Ideas The monarch's journey Learning objectives By the end of the class, you will be able to ◆ get the main idea of the passage; ◆ get the specific information of the monarch’s migration and analyze how the monarch migrates; ◆ draw a cause-effect flow chart to show how the monarch migrates and why the number of them decreased rapidly; ◆ share your ideas about what people can do to help protect the monarch butterfly Warming-up What were they doing They were migrating. Are they the animals that migrate a b c monarch butterfly / m n k/ Siberian crane /sai'bi ri n/ Atlantic salmon / t l nt k/ Are they the animals that migrate red panda killer whale African lion d e f Think and answer. Animal migration refers to the movement of a species from one habitat to another in response to seasonal changes to the environment. Often covering great distances and involving huge numbers of animals, it can be fascinating to observe. Migration happens in all parts of the animal kingdom, from fish and insects to birds, reptiles and mammals. What do you know about animal migration Lead-in Watch the video : Monarch Butterfly -Amazing Animals Let’s start our journey to explore monarch butterflies together! a monarch butterfly (黑脉金斑蝶) The monarch butterfly is a kind of beautiful insect with fine black and orange wings. The monarch usually has a lifespan of 6 weeks, and its hometown is mainly in America. The monarch butterflies’ migration. 1. What does this passage talk about Pre-reading Prediction 2. What is the genre of the passage Expository writing Think about where you are most likely to find the passage. In a scientific research paper about the monarch butterfly’s migration. B. In a popular nature magazine introducing the monarch butterfly. In a travel leaflet encouraging people to visit North America. Paragraph ___-___ Paragraph ___-___ The migration of monarch butterflies. The influences of human’s activities on monarchs. While-reading Skimming Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. 1 3 4 5 Part 1: Part 2: What is the migration Who is one of the most wonderful examples about migration Why do they migrate Reading for information Para.1 What is the migration Who is one of the most wonderful examples about migration Why do they migrate Many animals move from one place to another at certain times of the years. This annual movement is called migration. They migrate to find food, seek a partner, or in search of warmer weather. The North American monarch butterfly Reading for information Para.1 Why do we call it “one of the most wonderful migrations” Millions of monarchs with wings Long and difficult journey California Mexico Small wings, big power. Scanning Reading for information Para.2 However, until recently no one knew how they did this. not... until Scanning But we didn’t know how these butterflies traveled 4,000 kilometers south until recently. ... ...

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