ID: 21240972

Unit4 Fun in the Sun!精讲精炼(重点词汇 +句型+ 练习)最新仁爱版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:462555B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit4 Fun in the sun! snowman picnic dry badminton baseball hope outdoors rainy indoors health team pass feed ski mountain survey week result race 1.Go hiking: 2.Make a snowman: 3.Go on a picnic: good at 5.Put on : good for: 7.too much: 8.踢足球: 9.下课后: 10.玩得高兴: 11.放弃: 继续做某事: 散步: 参加: uch as enjoy doing sth / 让教学更有效 高效备考 | 英语学科 21世纪教育网( Exercise is good for our health,but how do we do it?锻炼对我们身体有好处,但我们该怎么做? I'm not good at playing football.我不擅长踢足球。 Why not join the football club?为什么不加入足球俱乐部? How is the weather in autumn 秋天的天气怎样? Xiaoxiao's family is going to have a picnic in the park.晓晓的家人要在公园里野餐。 1.Sun(名词)太阳 派生词:sunny(形容词)阳光充足的;晴天的 例如:It is sunny today. 知识拓展:“名词 +(n)y”构成的表示天气的形容词有:rain(雨)--rainy(多雨的);wind (风) --windy(有风的);cloud(云)--cloudy(多云的);snow(雪)--snowy(有雪的);rain (雨) --rainy(下雨的);ice(冰)--icy(冻的);fog(雾)--foggy(多雾的)这的冬天经常下雪。 例如:It is often snowy here in winter. 【小试牛刀】 It is a _____ day. Let’s go to have a picnic! A.sun B.sunny C.rainy D.rain 【答案】B 2.Spring(名词)春天、春季、弹、弹力、泉水 常见搭配:early spring早春; late spring晚春; hot spring温泉; Warm spring暖春; 注意:在春天里用介词 in 例如:It is war here in spring 3. Hot (形容词)温度高的;热的;热情的;辣的,流行的 用法详解:hot 在句中可作定语、表语或宾语补足语 例如:It's too hot today. 今天太热了。 Hot spicy food辛辣的食物 例如:They are one of this year's hot new bands. 4. snow(动词)下雪;(名词)雪 派生词:snowy (形容词)下雪的;snowy man(名词)雪人 常见搭配:堆雪人I make a snowy man. 用法详解:snow 在译为“雪;雪花”时为不可数名词;译为“一场雪”时为可数名词,常用复数。 例如: Snow is falling heavily.正下着大雪。 【答案】 5.Picnic(名词/动词)野餐 常见搭配:have a picnic去野餐 例如: We will have a picnic this Sunday. 6.Weather (名词)天气 用法详解:weather 译为“天气”,为不可数名词,特别在感叹句中 weather 前面不能加冠词 a/an;weather 的同音词为 whether,译为“是否”,用来引导宾语从句。 例如:What bad weather it is! 多么糟糕的天气啊 【小试牛刀】 —_____ fine weather it is! Shall we go for a picnic —I can’t agree more. A.What a B.What C.How D.How a 【答案】B 7.Season(名词)季节 用法详解:season为可数名词,其复数形式为seasons。一年四季为“spring(春天);summer(夏天);autumn(秋天);winter(冬天)” 注意:在表示“在某个季节”,季节前加介词 ",如果表示“在某个季节的某天(或某天某段时间)则用介词 on. 例如:Most of people like swimming in summer . She was born on a cold winter morning. 8.Rain (名词)雨、雨水;(动词)下雨 派生词::rainy(形容词)多雨的在雨天 常见搭配:on a rainy days 用法详解:在形容雨大时,常用 heavily 来修饰。今天雨下得很大。 例如: It rains heavily today. 【小试牛刀】 It rained yesterday A big B. large C.heavy D. heavily 【答案】D 9.Phone(名词)电话、手机;(动词)打电话 常见搭配: on the phone在电话上 mobile phone移动电话 Phone number电话号码 Phone sb.给某人打电话 例如: Is this your phone ... ...

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