
Unit 1 Wise men in history 综合练习(含答案)2024-2025学年沪教牛津版(广州深圳沈阳通用)九年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:27845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 综合练习2024-2025学年沪教牛津版(广州深圳沈阳通用)九年级英语上册 一、单项选择 1.History story telling is a way of _____ the past and making sure it’s not forgotten in the future. A.remembering B.celebrating C.discovering D.correcting 2.After the company was bought, he _____ the manager. A.seemed B.sounded C.remained D.got 3.—How do you feel about taking dancing classes —To tell the _____, I’m not interested at all. A.joke B.tale C.truth D.reason 4.— Do you know the sentence structure of “They painted the walls blue” — Yes, it is _____. A.S+V+DO+OC B.S+V+P C.S+V+IO+DO D.S+V+O 5.—Sue, I don’t know how to tell my parents my decision. —You should tell them the truth, not a lie. A.fact B.excuse C.method D.reason 6.When the shy girl was asked to answer the question, her face _____ red. A.seemed B.looked C.turned D.appeared 7.—You didn’t use to feel tired often, did you —_____. Just this year. A.Yes, I did B.Yes, I didn’t C.No, I did D.No, I didn’t 8.—Do you know March 21 is World Sleep Day Sleep is important to us. —Yes. A good sleep gives us _____ and makes us happy. A.truth B.fame C.peach D.energy 9.—There is a beautiful park near your school, _____ —Yes. I often go walking there. A.is there B.isn’t there C.are there D.aren’t there 10.—What’s wrong with Tina, she is crying so hard. —It is hard for her to _____ with her toys. But it’s time for school now. A.fill B.part C.live D.cover 11.People should eat _____ fat to reduce the risk of heart disease. A.less B.further C.fewer D.more 12.—You have made such a great progress on your English. —Thanks. I believe _____ you work, _____ you will be. A.the less; the better B.the harder; the better C.the more; the better D.the better; the worse 13.My mum is busy cleaning the house. She needs some help, _____ A.need she B.needn’t she C.does she D.doesn’t she 14.Riding a shared-bike to go to work is good for the _____. A.environment B.agreement C.excitement D.development 15.The math problem can’t be solved overnight. Please try _____ time. A.bigger B.longer C.less D.better 16.—Our city soccer team needs someone to _____ the role of manager now. —Good news! Can I have a try A.have B.put C.drop D.fill 17.Lucy is so great! She was _____ to challenge herself yesterday. A.scared enough B.enough scared C.brave enough D.enough brave 18.— Your uncle used to study in a European country, didn’t he — _____. And he found a job and stayed there for a few years. A.Yes, he did B.Yes, he has C.No, he didn’t D.No, he hasn’t 19.—He’s already back to Zhenjiang, _____ —_____. He’s on a visit to Shanghai. A.isn’t he; No B.hasn’t he; Yes C.is he; No D.has he; Yes 20.Nothing can ever _____ real love and family togetherness. A.take place B.in place of C.instead D.displace 二、语法选择 My mother moved to Guangzhou one month ago. Since my mother moved to live with us in Guangzhou, she 21 muc ... ...

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