

日期:2024-09-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:84551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    上海市新华初级中学2024-2025学年上学期七年级暑期英语作业检测卷 1.(2024七上·上海市月考) Look, someone has left several     /'sig 'ret/ ends here. He's so careless. 2.(2024七上·上海市月考) I'm not kidding. I take this problem     /' si ri sli/. 3.(2024七上·上海市月考) People make a lot of things with different     /m ' ti ri lz/. 4.(2024七上·上海市月考) Our school holds a singing     /k mpi' ti n/ every year. 5.(2024七上·上海市月考) What's in the     /k n' d kt s/ bag 6.(2024七上·上海市月考) It's great fun for us to make     /'sn um n/ in winter. (2024七上·上海市月考) 单词默写 7.agency        8.balloon        9.charcoal        10.opposite        11.prevention        12.peaceful        13.financial        14.cruelty        15.type        16.suburb        (2024七上·上海市月考) 单词默写 17.社团        18.令人放松的        19.搬迁        20.杂志        21.分发        22.方便的        23.诊所        24.澳大利亚人        25.古老的        26.寂静        27.(2024七上·上海市月考) We all know that English is ____ useful language. A.a B.an C.the D./ 28.(2024七上·上海市月考) Shanghai is ____ the south of Beijing. A.in B.on C.at D.to 29.(2024七上·上海市月考) There are so ____ fish in the pond. We can catch some. A.much B.little C.many D.few 30.(2024七上·上海市月考) He'd like ____ some invitations to the parents. A.send B.sends C.sending D.to send 31.(2024七上·上海市月考) — ____ do you weigh —I weigh 47 kilograms. A.How many B.How heavy C.How much D.what 32.(2024七上·上海市月考) When winter comes, the days are getting ____ and ____. A.short; short B.shorter; shorter C.longer; longer D.long; long 33.(2024七上·上海市月考) It's too hot outside. I'd rather ____ out. . A.go B.going C.not go D.not going 34.(2024七上·上海市月考) There are two apples on the table. One is red, ____ is green. A.another B.others C.other D.the other 35.(2024七上·上海市月考) I don't like coffee. Could I please have tea ____ A.just B.too C.instead D.however 36.(2024七上·上海市月考) After that, the fisherman and his wife lived ____ together. A.gently B.slowly C.carefully D.happily 37.(2024七上·上海市月考) When a typhoon comes, we can feel the wind blowing     in the air. (fierce) 38.(2024七上·上海市月考) Two     of the apples at the market come from Shandong. (three) 39.(2024七上·上海市月考) The people in Sichuan like to have     though they taste hot. (chili) 40.(2024七上·上海市月考)    is the most important to all the children there. (safe) 41.(2024七上·上海市月考) It's     for people to live on the moon now. (possible) 42.(2024七上·上海市月考) We need to eat     unhealthy food to stay fit. (little) 43.(2024七上·上海市月考) Jill often has to get up early to school every day. (改为一般疑问句)     Jill     to get up early to school ... ...

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