ID: 21259142


日期:2024-10-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:252829B 来源:二一课件通
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过去进行时专项训练 1.(23-24八年级下·北京西城·期中)I saw Peter in the garden this morning. He _____ his flowers at that moment. A.waters watering C.watered D.was watering 2.(22-23八年级下·重庆·期末)—When did the classroom have a power cut —This morning, while we _____ a physics lesson. A.are having B.have C.were having D.had 3.(23-24八年级下·甘肃庆阳·期中)—Peter, what were you doing at this time last night —I _____ chess with my grandfather. B.played playing D.was playing 4.(23-24八年级下·安徽合肥·期中)When Sandy and Cindy got to my home, we _____ TV in the living room. A.will watch B.were watching C.watched 5.(23-24八年级下·甘肃金昌·期中)— Linda, what were you doing at eight last night — I _____ the piano at that time. B.played C.was playing playing 6.(22-23八年级下·重庆开州·期末)While Lily was sleeping, Linda _____ Jane with her homework. A.helps B.helped C.was helping D.has helped 7.(23-24八年级下·吉林长春·期中)While he _____ his sister’s things, she came into the room. A.was looking through B.looked through C.has looked through looking through 8.(22-23八年级下·重庆开州·期末)—Why didn’t you answer my phone at 9:30 last night —Sorry, I _____ a shower then. A.took B.was take C.taking D.was taking 9.(22-23八年级下·重庆沙坪坝·期末)Eric’s mom _____ dinner while his dad was repairing the car when the rainstorm came. A.made B.was making C.has made making 10.(22-23八年级下·河北沧州·期末)Stella didn’t answer the phone, because she _____ a shower. A.takes B.will take taking D.was taking 11.(22-23八年级下·辽宁沈阳·期末)—I called you at 8: 00 last night, but you didn’t answer it. —Oh, I _____ for the coming exam at that time. A.studied studying C.was studying 12.(22-23八年级下·辽宁沈阳·期末)Mr Smith _____ dinner when I rang him. A.has B.had C.was having having 13.(22-23八年级下·吉林长春·期末)Jim _____ when the rainstorm came. A.sleeps B.slept sleeping D.was sleeping 14.(22-23八年级下·陕西西安·期末)When he called me, I _____ in my room. sleeping B.sleep C.will sleep D.was sleeping 15.(22-23八年级下·北京门头沟·期末)I _____ about my grandpa when my phone rang. It was him! A.think B.was thinking C.will think thinking 16.(22-23八年级下·湖北武汉·期末)I woke up early yesterday to find it was a beautiful morning. And the sun _____ through the window. A.shines B.has shone C.will shine D.was shining 17.(23-24八年级下·河北秦皇岛·期中)When you called me, I _____ for the bus. A.wait B.waited waiting D.was waiting 18.(23-24八年级下·云南昭通·期中)The office worker was looking at a postcard sadly _____ his workmate came in. A.while B.when C.after D.before 19.(23-24八年级下·湖北武汉·期中)—Hey, Joey, this is Kate speaking. I called you many times, but you didn’t answer. —Sorry, Kate. I together with my p ... ...

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