ID: 21277069


日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:100次 大小:727426B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考七选五 解题指导 基于选项特点及句际逻辑关系梳理的解题套路 解读七选五高考大纲要求 该题备选项可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。其多余的两个干扰项也往往从这三方面进行设置,例如主旨概括句或过于宽泛或以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。 解题步骤1: 分析文章结构 语篇结构: (较为常见) 2. 总-分-总 1. 总-分 有大标题的文章,一般在第一段都会有主题词汇出现,回扣标题的核 心名词或动词 Personal Forgiveness Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step, but don’t beat yourself up about them. To err (犯错) is human. ____36____ You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this. (2023-6全国卷I) 七个选项中2个选项有forgiveness 主题词,故36极大可能A, D 中选。 A. A little self-forgiveness also goes a long way. D. It’s just as important to show yourself some forgiveness. 本段主题词汇:forgiveness 2. 无标题的文章, 第一段都会有主题词汇出现 In the past few years, online learning has become a significant part of the university and college experience. 36. But are all online courses created equal How can you be sure that digital learning is right for you 37. We interviewed students and professors to get their advice about online courses. (2024-1首考) 本段主题词汇:online learning= digital learning ; online courses C. Do you know that online courses are also part of your education E. The chief complaint about online courses is that they lack human interaction. F. If you take an online course, what can you do to ensure the best possible grade G. A survey found that 29 percent of college students registered for online courses. 七个选项中4个选项有online courses 主题词,故36,37 在 C、E、F、G 中选。 In the past few years, online learning has become a significant part of the university and college experience. 36. But are all online courses created equal How can you be sure that digital learning is right for you 37. We interviewed students and professors to get their advice about online courses. The most obvious advantages of online learning is that you can study anywhere and anytime. 38. “I think a point that many people lose sight of is how easy it can be to fall behind schedule,” says graduate student Amanda Bindman. Before choosing to study online, consider whether you’re a self-motivated learner and if the material seems interesting enough to keep you going. The tip that comes up most often is simple: build online courses into your weekly schedule, just like what you would do with in-person courses. 39. He noted that his online students usually end up with lower grades. It is so easy to let an online course slide, but your grades will suffer as a result. Be sure to schedule set times to watch your lectures, read materials and contribute to online discussion boards. 40. A social connection is often a big part of learning. There are things you can do to ease this problem. Jessica P ... ...

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