

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:55961Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级第一次英语质量评估测试 满分90分 一、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分:满分40分) 第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A TRIP TO A FARMLAND! Join us for an unforgettable school trip to a farmland! Time: Our school trip will take place on Saturday, 15th June, and we will leave the school at 8:00 am on the school bus. We will come back at around 5:00 pm, so make sure to tell your parents to take you home on time. Cost: The cost for the trip is $40 for each student. It includes transportation(交通), tickets and lunch. Please bring some money if you want to buy souvenirs(纪念品)or food. Attention: ◇We'll visit a beautiful farm. There you can learn about how farmers grow plants and raise animals. You will have lots of fun with your classmates. ◇To keep you safe, please wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Bring lots of water. We will be together as a group at all time , and you must stay with your teachers and classmates. ◇For more information, please follow WeChat School Trip ABC. Don’t miss this chance to see a real-life farm and learn about how it works. Don’t wait too long to sign up (注册) for the trip, because only 300 students can get the chance for the trip! Don’t forget to call our school office at 8556 7885 6635 to know more about the trip. 1. If you want to join this school trip, it's best to_____ A. order your own lunch online B. buy some nice souvenirs or food C. get to school before 8:00 am D. go to the farmland in your father's car 2. To keep safe, what should you do A. Bring plenty of water with you. B. Wear new clothes and shoes. C. Take plants and animals with you. D. Stay away from your classmates. 3. If you want to get more information about the trip, what can you do A. Call the farmland office. B. Write to the teacher. C. Follow the teacher's WeChat. D. Follow WeChat School Trip ABC. 4. What kind of writing is the text A. A diary. B. An advertisement. C. A postcard. D. A story. B Last year, a primary school in Jiangxi Province made a decision. It would no longer prepare meals in its own canteen(食堂).Instead,it would provide its student with pre-made(预制的)food. The move quickly became a hot topic across the country. Many parents said that they were worried about food safety. Some of them even sent homemade meals to school at lunchtime every day. The Ministry of Education warns against introducing pre-made meals to schools. That's mainly because there are not yet any national standards for such food. The market for pre-made meals has been developing quickly over the past few years. In 2022, there were more than 60,000 related companies in China. And the number is still growing. By 2026, the market will have reached more than one trillion yuan. What has made pre-made meals so popular They have many advantages. They're quick and convenient to prepare. They also have a long shelf life. However, parents’ worries are not without reason. Pre-made food may be acceptable every now and then, bu ... ...

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