
Unit 4 My family 基础达标卷(含答案)---2024-2025学年七年级上册 冀教版(2024)

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:85次 大小:284062Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 My family 基础达标卷(含答案)--2024-2025学年七年级上册 冀教版(2024) 一、单词拼写 1.She is . (正在看书) 2.Please make sure he is warm. (遮盖) him with a coat. 3.—What is in the box —Let me see. Wow! It is full of red (rose). 4.The three Chinese astronauts gave the students a (特别的) class in the space station. They helped the students know much about the space. 5.We wish you good (healthy). Happy New Year! 6.Look! The students (run) in the playground. 7.我们可以在那边种些花。 We can plant some flowers . 8.“What is in it ” little John (point) to the box and asks his mum. 9.We are so excited to have a (野餐) today. 10.Chang An is an interesting film. We can learn about many Tang (诗) from it. 11.My (grandparent) live in the countryside. We visit them every week. 12.—Mum, what’s in the box —I am not sure. It can be a (礼物) from your brother. 13.The young lady (write) a new novel these days. 14.We are (run) happily and (laugh) loudly in the park. 15.Look! The old man (fly) a kite in the park. 16.There are six (member) in my family. 17.My grandma gets a special p on her birthday every year. 18.My brother is tall and (英俊的). 19.The child (cry) over there. What’s wrong with him 20.Look! Some birds are flying in the s . 21.After waiting for an hour, the bus (final) came. 二、单项选择 22.Tom often goes _____ on Sunday. Now he is _____. A.swim; swims B.swimming; swimming C.swim; swimming D.swims; swam 23.It’s _____ now. It always _____ at this time of the year. A.raining; rainy B.raining; rains C.rainy; rainy D.rains; rains 24.圣诞节时,你应该对朋友说:_____ A.Happy New Year! B.Happy birthday! C.Merry Christmas! 25.从每小题的三个选项中选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。pollute A.must B.puddle C.blue 26.选出划线部分读音不同的选项。 A.panda B.save C.animal D.bad 27.— Peter, what’s your brother doing — He _____ the piano. A.plays B.played C.is playing 28.Look! Amy and John _____ pictures now. A.is taking B.are going to take C.are taking 29.找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 A.animal B.many C.dress D.bread 30.Look! The rabbit _____. A.is jumping B.jumps C.jumping 31.It’s 10 o’clock. Ben _____ TV in the bedroom. A.is watching B.watch C.watches D.are watching 三、完成句子 32.她喜欢去户外,总是玩得很开心。 She likes to and always . 33.The boy is my younger brother Bob. He has short black hair.(用with合并成一句) 34.我和朋友们总是在春天去野餐。 My friends and I always in spring. 35.鲍勃经常帮助他的妈妈摆餐具。 Bob often helps his mum . 36.露西正在花园里种玫瑰花。 Lucy is in the garden. 37.Julie is listening to music in her room now. (改为否定句) . 38.他总是准备好尽最大的努力。 He always try his best. 39.看!孩子们在一起正玩得很开心。 Look! The children together. 40.当我走过咖啡店的时候,我总是买一杯咖啡。 When I the coffee shop, I always buy a cup of coffee. 41.全家人都早早起床,为除夕晚宴做准备。 All get up early to get ready for the b ... ...

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