ID: 21282274

人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:7989319B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Write a letter of advice M1U1 Teenage Life Reading for Writing Free talk As a teenager, what problems do you have in your daily life generation gap with parents puppy love being addicted to the Internet/computer games great pressure from heavy school work feeling lonely and isolated conflicts between friends/classmates high expectations from parents and teachers ... ... Free talk Facing these problems, how will you seek help 1 communicating sincerely face to face with the person concerned 2 turning to trustworthy friends for help 3 asking for advice on social media 4 writing a letter to a professional adviser 5 ringing help hotlines ... Reading Susan Luo writes a letter of _____ to _____. What is Worried Friend's problem What suggestions does Susan Luo give to Worried Friend Besides suggestions, what else does Susan Luo say in her letter advice Worried Friend She understands Worried Friend's feeling and talks about the negative effects of computer addiction. is an adviser for teenagers, who has received a letter asking for some advice. Susan Luo Thinking Why does Susan Luo show her understanding and talk about the negative effects of computer addiction To make her suggestions more acceptable and persuasive. Do you think Susan Luo's advice is useful Why or why not What other kinds of advice would you give Find out the organization of the letter. Mark the parts of the letter that match the following points. A. I know what the problem is. B. I understand how you feel. C. This is my advice and reason. D. I think my advice will help. Organization Date Greeting Problem Advice Close Signature Body Language Features What expressions does Susan Luo use to make suggestions Circle them in the letter. Can you think of more expressions of making suggestions What expressions does Susan Luo use to show her understanding Can you think of other ways to express understanding Group discussion Work in groups. Choose one of the three situations and discuss his/ her problem. List possible suggestions and reasons. Individual Writing _____ Dear _____, para 1: knowing the problem, i am writing to offer you some relative suggestions. para 2: suggestions and reasons para 3: hope Best wishes, _____ Write the date and greet the reader. para 1: Show the reader that you know what the problem is. para 1:Tell the reader that you understand how he/ she feels. para 2: Tell the reader what you think he/ she should do. para 2: Explain your reason(s). para 3:Tell the reader what you think will happen. Close and sign the letter. Exchanging ideas Are all the parts of a letter included and organized in good order Does the writer give reasons for the advice Does the writer use proper expressions to give suggestions Does the writer use commas and stops correctly Is the handwriting easy to read Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft. Checklist Revising and sharing Get your draft back and revise it. Recomme ... ...

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