
2025届高三英语二轮复习专项 读后续写题目及思路讲解 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-09-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:375415Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 续写题目及思路讲解课件 与小海豹的相遇 第 二 节 ( 满 分 2 5 分 ) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构 成 一 篇 完 整 的 短 文 。 We moved to a small seaside community in New Zealand 10 years ago,because my husband Phil worked as a biologist and he had to do research near the sea.I had seen seals(海豹)around Pilot Bay,which is near here.Sometimes you see them out on the rocks,sunning themselves or playing—but usually in their own territory.They never thought about disturbing their neighbors. It was a dark winter morning in August this year when a seal came. At 5:50 a.m.,I left the house to go fitness training.I went down to the car parked in the driveway and heard a growl(咆哮).I thought our cat, Coco,must have chased a dog under the car.I jumped into the car to avoid getting my ankles bitten,and moved slowly,but then I felt the car hit something.When I got out to have a look,I couldn't see anything and thought it must have moved on. A en when I got back into my seat,I saw a baby seal in the headlights. I thought,“Oh,my God,”but didn't panic———the ocean was just down the driveway and I thought it wou find its way back.Off I went to the training center and gave everyone there a laugh when I said,“Sorry I'm late;there was a seal under the Car. ”I didn't think about it again until I got home.As I walked through the garage ( 车 库 ) ,I noticed our baskets had been moved. I wondered if it was the seal,but then I guessed it could not be the seal because I didn't think it could fit through the cat door, which was the only way into the garage.But I was wrong.As I opened the door to the house,I brushed something and heard this flip-flip-flip-flip sound,and thought,“My God,that is the seal.” Para.1 It was so cute like a lovely soft toy. 海豹长着(cover) 雪白的皮毛(fur), 两只水汪汪的眼睛闪闪发 光(glitter)。 The seal was covered with snow-white fur, with two watery eyes glittering. 它有一双水汪汪的眼睛,像个孩子一样看着我,这让我非常 想把它藏起来。 It had watery eyes and looked at me like a child,which made me desperately want to keep it secretly. deep sigh,I phoned Phil(动作描写),who was on his way home from a work trip.He told me wild animals smelled bad and I probably never knew how shar their teeth were.On Phil's arriving home,we immediately looked the contact information of Animal Protection Station. It was so cute like t toy. It had watery eyes(外貌描 写 )and looked at me like a ,which made me desperately want to keep it secretly.But I knew it was a wild animal and it should be back to its home,because wild animals belong to the wild. With a Para.2 We called Animal Protection Station,and a Worker came over. 1.worker 做了什么 2.小海豹离开后我的心理活动 3.我的感悟 (心理描写) when the worker it would be released into the sea after being checked. Experienc this fortuitous encounter with the seal reminded me that we sh help raise people's awareness of protecting seal ... ...

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