
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册单元话题阅读 人与社会:历史与传统练习(含答案,七份打包)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:54次 大小:1364913Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Ⅰ.阅读理解 There are many traditions around the world that are interesting and fun,but there are also those that are bizarre(奇异的) and even a little cruel. In Sweden it’s common for parents to leave their babies outside to nap(小睡) even when the temperatures are below zero.Many of us would find this custom dangerous,but many Swedes actually consider it good for their babies.They believe that by exposing their young ones to their country’s cold temperature they can help their babies to grow up healthily and protect them from diseases.They also believe doing so will help them sleep longer and better. In Bali,Indonesia,babies are forbidden to touch the ground for three months.The reason is that during the baby’s first months its connection to the “spirit” is still unbroken and clean and letting it touch the ground would defile it.For three months,the baby is constantly held in someone’s arms—the father,mother,grandparents,brothers,sisters,uncles,aunts and even neighbours.After 105 days,a special ceremony called the Nyabutan is held where the baby touches Mother Earth for the first time. In Guatemala,it’s common to see babies being bathed with cold water.Maya mothers commonly practise this bizarre ritual(仪式) with the belief that it’s beneficial to the baby’s health.Bathing their babies with cold water is also an effective means to eliminate heat rashes(痱子),and this custom helps babies sleep better. Some Indians allow their babies to be thrown from roofs as high as 50 feet.This strange custom started 500 years ago and continues to this day,though there’s a movement to ban it for obvious reasons.However,most Indians believe that performing this ritual brings good luck and health to their babies.Below the roof is a bed sheet that’s held tightly by several men.The baby lands safely on the sheet.The tradition’s practitioners and believers strongly prove that it’s safe,saying no babies have ever been injured. 1.What does the author think of the baby custom in Sweden A.It is interesting and fun. B.It is unique and thoughtful. C.It is dangerous and a little cruel. D.It is beneficial and practical. 2.What does the underlined word “defile” in paragraph 3 probably mean A.Make the best use of. B.Make something dirty or no longer pure. C.Leave or break away from. D.Achieve or realize completely. 3.Why are babies in Guatemala bathed with cold water A.To get rid of their heat rashes and make them sleep better. B.To prevent them from feeling hot during summer. C.To stop them from getting all kinds of illnesses. D.To bring good luck and health to those babies. 4.Why do some Indians ask the baby custom to be stopped A.It is a new custom and many people hate it. B.They think the custom leads to babies’ injuries. C.They have no religious belief. D.Lots of babies have been seen injured in the past years. 读写积累 1.beneficial adj.有益的;有利的 2.eliminate v.消除;消去 3.ban v.禁止,取缔 4.practitioner n ... ...

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