
高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册单元话题阅读 人与社会:文化遗产练习(含答案,七份打包)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:37次 大小:1663623Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Ⅰ.阅读理解 Being added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List often makes the site known worldwide,bringing more tourists and leading to access to international funding.But there are strings attached(附加条件). World Heritage Sites are usually placed on the list “forever”,said Mechtild Rossler,director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre,but countries have to do their best to protect and fight against threats to the sites. Getting a place on the World Heritage List takes years,said Rossler,adding that several sites waited some 25 years.Sites must be included on a “tentative(预备的) list” before they can be formally nominated(提名).The World Heritage Committee meets once a year to decide which nominated sites will be placed on the World Heritage List.To be accepted,sites must be of “outstanding universal value” and meet at least one of 10 standards.There are now 1,154 sites on the World Heritage List,of which 897 are cultural,218 are natural and 39 are mixed. When sites are under certain threats,countries are sent a warning letter.That’s what happened to Peru,which has received many warnings over threats from overtourism,landslides and flooding at Machu Picchu. Many sites take action in order to remove the threats,said Rossler,but not all.At that point,the World Heritage Committee makes the decision to place a site on UNESCO’s “List of World Heritage in Danger”—often referred to simply as the “Danger List”. Governments fear the Danger List will harm tourism,Rossler said.That’s what happened in the Galapagos Islands,she said,where the government worked very hard to deal with threats to the area.The site was removed from the Danger List in 2010. 1.What does it mean to be a World Heritage Site A.It should make some great changes. B.It should be well protected by its country. C.It can stay on the World Heritage List forever. D.It can get funding from the World Heritage Centre. 2.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about A.The make-up of the World Heritage List. B.The difficulty of becoming a World Heritage Site. C.The advantages of being included on a tentative list. D.The responsibilities of the World Heritage Committee. 3.What is the World Heritage Committee’s attitude to Machu Picchu A.Uninterested. B.Forgiving. C.Worried. D.Pleased. 4.What does the author want to show by mentioning the Galapagos Islands A.The Danger List does serious harm to many sites. B.Governments find it easy to develop tourism. C.The Danger List is ignored by many governments. D.Governments make efforts to be removed from the Danger List. 读写积累 1.access n.入口,通道;使用或见到……的权利,机会 v.到达;进入;使用;获取,访问(计算机数据) 2.attach v.熟义:系上;贴上;连接 生义:附上,附带(条件)(本文为此义);重视 3.universal adj.普遍的,全体的,全世界的;通用的 4.standard n.标准;行为标准;道德水准 5.under threat受到威胁 6.refer to...as...把……称作…… 7.When sites are under certain threats,countries are sent a warn ... ...

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