ID: 21326376

2025届高三英语二轮复习 非谓语作状语 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:3058038B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Non-finite Verbs as Adverbial KEEP LEARNING Please guess it according to the description,pay attention to the words in red. Activity1:Guessing Game 1.It is a building used to hold all kinds of important events. Seen from the top, the building looks like a bird nest. The National Stadium “鸟巢” He is a character of a cartoon film made in China.He said,“Beaten by the sheep,I went to the village where the sheep lived.” Who is he Mr.Wolf 灰太狼 Lines of a Chinese movie: Given another chance by God,I will say to the girl, “I love you.”If there had to be a limit of time,I hope it would be ten thousand years. What is the name of this movie 《大话西游》 A Chinese Odyssey Seen Given Beaten Non-finite verbs 1.Asked why he did it,he said it was his duty. 2.Being ill,he didn't go to school. 3.Working hard,you will dowell in your exams. 4.His parents died in the war,leaving him an orphan. 5.They went into the room,laughing and talking. 6.To make much progress in English,he studies hard. Activity 2: Task1.Look at the fol wing sentences and try to find out the non-finite verbs. Task 2.What kind of adverbial( 状 语 )is the non-finite verb used as 1 . Asked why he did it,he said it was his duty. 时间状语 Whenhe was asked why he did it,he said it was his duty. 2. Being ill,he didn't go to school. 原因状语 3. Workinghard,you will do well in your exams. 条件状语 What kind of adverbial(状语)is the non-finite verb used as 4.His parents died in the war,leaving him an orphan. 结果状语 5.They went into the room,laughing and talking. 伴随状语 6.To make much progiess in English,he studies 目的状语 hard. 非谓语动词 时态 主动 被动 不定式 一般式 to do to be done 现在分词 动名词 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 过去分词 done Different forms of non-finite verbs How to choose the proper m of Non-finite verbs 1.The storm left, having caused (cause)a lot of damage to this area. 2.The bov sits in the classroom. starinq at (stare at) h S 1Cl1 riono 3.The boy pretends to be gentleto become (become)the son-in-law of the lady. 4.Being watched(watch),the thief doesn't dare to steal money. 5. Built (build)in 1970,the house looks very old now. 6.Having been scolded(scold 责骂),the boy set a fire to his house. 7.To be accepted (accept)as a member of the group,he IS trying to persuade other classmates to support him. 0 f 1 c 1 i Activity 3:Practice andSummary If we know the subject of the sentence,how to choose the proper form of the non-finite verbs 看句子的主语与状语之间的关系。 Active or Passive 如果句子的主语是状语动作的发出者,表主动,则有以 下三种情况(从练习1-3题可知): 1.The storm left, having caused (cause)a lot of damage to this area. 2.The boy sits in the classroom, staring at (stare at)his friend. 3.The boy pretends to be gentle to become (become)the son- in-law of the lady. · 强调状语动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,则使用现在分词的完 成形式( having done) 。 · 强调状语动作正在进行,则使 ... ...

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