

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:17次 大小:3709836Byte 来源:二一课件通
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D One day I typed into ChatGPT all about my upset feelings and it instantly responded, offering a list of practical advice.Nowadays millio pens ofople are already turning to ChatGPT and specialist therapy (chatbots for convenient and inexpensive mental health support. Some experts say this is a boon.After all,Al,undisturbed by embarrassment,might be able to express empathy (more openly and tirelessly than humans.But others worry about the consequences of people seeking emotional support from machines that can only pretend to care.Some even wonder if the rise of so-called empathetic AI might change the way we interact with one another.Indeed,empathy is one of our species'defining qualities,developing as it did in pace with social interaction. One recent analysis about empathy looked at 52 studies published between 1980 and 2019, which shows that the empathiser must first be able to recognize how the other person is feeling. They must also be affected by those emotions and distinguish themselves and the other person, grasping that the other person's feelings aren't their own while still being able to imagine the other person's experience. On the first point,in recent years,AI-powered chatbots have made progress in their ability to read human emotions,most powered by large language models (LLMs)that work by predicting which words are most likely to appear together based on training data.In this way, LLMs like ChatGPT can seemingly identify our feelings and respond appropriately most of the time.But when it comes to the other criteria,AI still misses the mark in many ways.Empathy is interpersonal,with continued feedback helping to perfect the sympathiser's response,which also requires some degree of intuitive()awareness of an individual and their situation. All of this helps to explain conversations like the ones I had with ChatGPT.At the end of the day,despite talking to multiple chatbots online,I did what I knew I had to do all along:I picked up my phone and called a friend. 32.What does the underlined word "boon"in paragraph 2 mean A.Challenge. B.Misunderstanding. C.Trap. D.Blessing. 33.What does the recent analysis show about empathy A.It starts with identifying emotions. B.It relies on rich imagination. C.It requires clear communication. D.It ignores individual difference. 34.What can AI do according to paragraph 4 A.Recognize one's real desire. B.Provide data-driven response. C.Solve all the emotion puzzles D.Predict one's behavior by intuition. 35.What does the author think of ChatGPT A.Its development should be sped up. B.Its intelligence is winning more favor. C.Its application should be strictly managed. D.Its artificial kindness is no match for humans'. 英语试题第6页共10页

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