

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:516762Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年辽宁省沈阳市杏坛中学九年级(上) 第二次月考英语试卷 一.阅读理解(满分32分) 1.(8分) Cadets(新兵) are young people,like you,who usually meet once a week after school at their army unit or at weekends.If you join the cadet program,you'll learn basic﹣skills such as bush survival,first aid and navigation by day and by night. Abseiling and Rope activities Overcome your fear of heights by taking part in rope activities.You'll wear a harness(保护带) and a helmet to protect your body and head,and you'll lower yourself from a high point to the ground. First aid First aid is an important skill to learn.You will be able to manage and organize first aid on water or in the bush.You will learn to dress wounds.In conclusion,you will learn how to deal with medical emergencies. Navigation Learn how to find the right way by using a map and a compass.Start with e﹣learning and classroom instruction.Then put what you have learned into practice during day and night trips for exploration. (1)How often do the cadets meet after school to learn basic skills?     A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week D.Four times a week. (2)Which picture shows abseiling and rope activities?     A. B. C. D. (3)In the First Aid program,you can learn    . A.to overcome your fear of heights. B.to dress yourself C.to solve medical emergencies D.to find the right way (4)If Sam wants to find ways around easily when going out,which training program suits him?     A.Abseiling and Rope activities. B.First Aid. C.Navigation. D.All of the above. 2.(8分)The subway train is running fast.A boy is reading a book carefully in his seat in the subway while many other people are checking their phones. To encourage reading,a Chinese company started the book﹣sharing activity.They put over 10,000 books around the underground,in taxis and on planes in Beijing.Since the activity started,it has earned the support of many people,even some popular stars.The book﹣sharing activity,however,drew much more criticism(批评) than praise because some books were left untouched,some books were taken away by cleaners.People also complained that they couldn't reach the books﹣the underground was too crowded. ▲ ."I think most people may end up taking selfies(自拍) when they pick up the books and writing a post on WeChat.After that,they will just bring the books back home and put them on their bookshelves,"wrote one Weibo user. Some pointed out that some stars who supported the activity didn't seem to be reading much.They just wanted to draw others' attention.Isn't it embarrassing(令人尴尬的) that the activity is supported by stars who don't read a lot? "The book﹣sharing activity is not at all a bad thing.Over the years,everybody has been busy with work.They don't have time for reading,"said a famous Chinese writer,"However,just because Chinese people don't often read,it doesn't mean we should do nothing to encourage reading." (1)How does ... ...

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