

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:56次 大小:4967013Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    the sight of me,he managed an embarrassed smile and handed me a box.saying."Son.I bought this for you since I overheard that it's an efficicnt device for study.You will treasure it and use it for a 高一年级英语参考答案 good purpose.won't you Swallowing the rest words,be just med arod and leftfor work hurriedly.Secing him off,I dragged my legs to my dom with the small box in hand 第一部分听力(共两节,菏分30分】 Isat down and unwrapped the box.Gasping in astonisbmeut,I found a totally brand new 1-5 BCABB 6-10 CBCCA 11-15ABACC 16-20 BACCA MP3 inside.It was neaty packedand the.Igd at it fora while. 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) ineyes.The tired facesad weathered hands of myps appeared beforemy eyes.How could I 第一节(共15小题:每小恶25分,满分37.5分) repay them After putting the MP3 away carefully,I headed for the classroom determinedly.I knew 21-25ABBBA 26-30 DCABB 31-35 DDCAD 第二节(共5小愿:每小愿25分,满分12.5分) no matter what challenges I met,my parents would always be there for me with their deep love and 36-40 DGEBF wholchearted support.I also knew the progress I made in my study was the best present for them. 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小愿:每小题1分,满分5分) 【解析】 41-45 DDABD 46-50 CDABA 51-55 BCCBA 第二部分阅读 第二节(共10小愿:每小题15分,满分15分) 第一节 56.going 57.which/that 58.worried 59.safety 60.are A 61.a 62.to stop 63.yourself 64.is solved 65.seriously 【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍的是少年宫的课程时问表。 第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分) 2L.A细节理解题,根据表格中Monday部分可知“Morc如owledge about the outer卯acc.(更 第一节(满分15分) 多关于外太空的知识,)”可知在周一可以学到更多关于外太空的知识。故选A. 【多考范文】 22.B细节理解愿,根据表格中Saturday部分中4 Hainan Coconut Shell Carving.Join us to Dear Peter, leit.(海南哥壳雕刻。加入我们一起学习吧.)”可知,在搦充罪刻课程中能够学 1 am thrilled to hear about your plan to eslablish a musie society next semester and would like 习海南椰光难刻。故选B。 to express my enthusiasm for joining. 23.B细书理解题,根据Monday Space Course部分中19:00-20:00”、Saturday Cocouut I believe this is a fantastic initiative that will bring together students from all backgrounds to share and apprecialc music.As a participant,1 have a few suggestions.Firstly,we could organize Shell Carving(掷雅)Course部分中“14:00-l6:00"、Wed血sday Photog1 phy Course regular performances to showease our talent and engage the campus community.Secondly,inviting 部分中“I8:30-l9:30”和Sunday Chinese Shadow Puppetry(皮影戏)Course部 guest spcakers or musicians to conduct workshops would enhance our skills and knowledge. 分中“15:00-17:30”可知,中国皮影戏的课程每节课持妖两个半小时,时间最长。 I am looking forward to contributing to the success of our music socicty. 故选B. Yours LiHua 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文.主要讲述了Ozarks Technical Community College(OTC) 第二节(满分25分) 的历史讲师Jessica Gerard带领学生到中国进行文化和历史学习的经历,以及学生和导游的感 【参考范文】 受和 ... ...

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