ID: 21349458

Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing & Other Parts of the Unit 课件(共26张PPT)+讲义

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:43次 大小:7374236B 来源:二一课件通
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    Period Ⅴ Reading for Writing & Other Parts of the Unit Ⅰ.写作单词———记其形 an adult male成年男性 Ⅱ.阅读单词———知其意 1.plate n.盘子;碟子 2.generation n.一代(人) Ⅲ.拓展单词———通其变 1.behaviour n.行为;举止 behave vt.&vi.表现;表现得体 2.attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣) attraction n.有吸引力的人或事物;吸引力 attractive adj.吸引人的 3.addicted adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的 addict n.对……入迷的人;吸毒成瘾的人 addictive adj.使人上瘾的;使人入迷的 Ⅳ.必备词块———英汉译 1.fall behind 落后 2.concentrate on 集中注意力 attracted to 喜爱 4.focus on 集中;特别关注 5.addicted to 对……很入迷 Ⅴ.常用句型———会仿写 1.句型公式:It is+adj.+for sb to do sth [原句] It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world. 对于你们这一代的青少年来说,被电脑游戏和网络世界所吸引并不稀奇。 仿写:你有必要了解一下中国的餐桌礼仪。 It’s necessary for you to know about table manners of China.(建议信) 2.句型公式:make it+宾补(+for sb)+to do sth [原句] But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. 但是花太多的时间上网有损健康,也会(让你)很难集中精力在生活中的其他事情上。 仿写:他的决定使我们在今天下午四点以前完成工作成为可能。 His decision made it possible for us to finish the work by four o’clock this afternoon. 3.句型公式:the next time引导时间状语从句 [原句] So the next time you feel like you do not want to do boring,difficult homework or go to class,think about the children who don’t have the chance to get a good education. 所以下次当你觉得不想做无聊的、困难的家庭作业或者去上课的时候,想想那些没有机会接受良好教育的孩子。 仿写:下次我遇到处在困境中的人时,我仍会伸出援手。 The next time I come across those in trouble,I will still give them a helping hand.(主旨升华) 1.try out for角逐;参加……的选拔(或试演) [佳句背诵] Anyone who wants to try out for the play should sign up for it before Friday. 任何想参加话剧选拔的人都应该在周五之前报名参加。 try out 测试;试验;试用 try on 试穿(衣服) try one’s best to do... 尽力做…… [活学巧用] 单句语法填空/补全句子 Try out the new medicine for a year and we’ll see how well it works. I tried the shoes on,but they were too small. He tried his best to make her happy,but she still kept quiet. 他尽最大努力使她开心,但是她还是沉默不语。 2.behaviour n.行为;举止 ·behave vt.&vi.表现;表现得体 [佳句背诵] As far as I’m concerned, all of us should mind our behaviour in public places.(倡议书) 就我个人而言, 我们大家都应该注意在公共场所的举止。 (1)good behavior 良好的行为 shameful behavior 可耻的行为 (2)behave well/badly 举止得当/不得当 behave oneself 守规矩,行为检点 [活学巧用] 单句语法填空/补全句子 The expert spent many years understanding the behaviour (behave) of the animal. Do behave yourself (you)at your aunt’s home, my child. As a teacher, you shouldn’t look down upon those students who behave badly in school. 作为一名老师,你不应该看不起那些在学校表现不好的学生。 3.attract ... ...

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