
人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元知识精练课件(共20张PPT+练习,含答案 )

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:7423814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 单元知识精练 UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.All the students other than Tom have signed up for the _____(马拉松赛跑) that will be held next Sunday. 2.In my view,some _____ (错误)could have been avoided,so please be more careful next time. 3.What made the guy a success in the boxing match was not his skills but his _____(决心). 4.I ran to the distant place on a very hot day and I was _____(流汗) a lot. 5.The author of the article holds a _____ (积极的)attitude towards the economic development. marathon errors determination sweating positive 6.In my view,each person has his own _____ (强项)and weaknesses,so we should treat each other equally. 7.The sports _____ (比赛项目) test both physical and mental endurance. 8.The boy first showed promise as an _____ (运动员) in grade school. 9.To begin with,a new _____ (体育场)has been built,which has become the new landmark in our school. 10.I am lucky enough to be chosen as one of the _____ (主持人). 11.For example,they can play basketball,tennis,volleyball and _____ (足球). 12.Without hard training,he could never have won six gold _____ (奖牌)at the Chinese National Games. strengths events athlete stadium hosts soccer medals Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.After listening to the amazing lecture on _____ (fit) ,I know how to keep fit. 2.When asked whether she would give up,she just gave us a _____ (determine) look. 3.Now that you have expressed your _____ (determine),you should take action. 4.Though facing challenges,he never gave up _____ (help) the homeless. 5.You should set aside some time to consider your success and _____ (fail). fitness determined determination helping failure 6.He pretended _____(lose) his credit card and wanted to borrow some money from me. 7.I knew who was right,even _____ I didn’t make any comments. 8.When the architect goes out in the evening,he prefers to ride the bike rather _____ drive a car. 9._____(compare) with her,I have a preference for architecture. 10.I have made full preparations and I am sure to make _____ to the destination on time. to have lost if/though than Compared it 11.I will introduce Lei Feng in detail,who set _____ example to us teenagers in serving people heart and soul. 12.Luckily,the owner of the castle was only slightly _____(injure) in the car accident. an injured Ⅲ.补全句子 1.I _____our beautiful campus. 我很荣幸带你们参观我们美丽的校园。 2._____,where there are many beautiful sights. 我一直期待着去西安,那里有很多美丽的风景。 3.A small act of kindness _____who is helped. 一个小小的善举会对被帮助的人产生影响。 feel greatly honoured/it a great honour to show you around I have been looking forward to visiting Xi’an will make a difference to the person 4._____,I still take a positive attitude to life. 即使我感到有压力,我依然对生活持乐观态度。 5.It seemed _____ for her failure. 她似乎找到了失败的原因。 Even if/though I feel stressed that she found the reason Ⅳ.用附加疑问句 ... ...

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