
人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness课时测评作业三课件 (共21张PPT+练习,含答案)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:90次 大小:7422108Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 课时测评作业三 UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS Ⅰ.用附加疑问句补全句子 1.Few people are here,_____ 2.Lucy would like an apple,_____ 3.There is little bread in this plate,_____ 4.Everything seems all right,_____ 5.You must have told her about it,_____ 6.Let’s go there by bus, _____ 【小题夯基】 are they wouldn’t she is there doesn’t it haven’t you shall we/shan’t we 7.Don’t forget to give Polly some food and change her water,_____ 8.No one can answer this question,_____ 9.He must be tired, _____ 10.I suppose you have finished your homework,_____ will you can they/can he isn’t he haven’t you Ⅱ.补全对话中的附加疑问部分或答语 1.Lily:I haven’t seen you recently.What are you doing these days Bob:I am doing research on how to protect wildlife. Lily:You have never done such research before,① _____? Bob:Yes, this is the first time that I have done this.I have read some papers on this topic and also attended a lecture. Lily:The lecture is very useful to your research,② _____? Bob:Yes, it is.It is also inspiring. Lily:It inspires you to find more information about the topic, doesn’t it Bob:③ _____.It gives me suggestions on finding more information. have you isn’t it Yes, it does 2.Sam:Amy, there will be a film in the school hall tonight,④ _____? Amy:I’ve just heard about it.It is called A Brief History of Time,a film about Stephen Hawking. Sam:It must be a great movie,⑤_____ Amy:I think so.Let’s watch it together,⑥_____? Sam:OK, we can meet in front of the school hall at about six,⑦_____? Amy:OK, see you then! Sam:See you! won’t there isn’t it shall we/shan’t we can’t we Ⅰ.完形填空 Exercise and I have never had a good relationship due to my fear of sports. From a young age, my dad 1 me into a dozen sports. 2 , I didn’t like any of them. When I entered University of Regina, my dad 3 telling me “You have to find a way to stay 4 ” or “You don’t want to get the Freshman 15 pounds, do you?” So I 5 to give swimming a shot, but I 6 managed to go to the pool twice during the fall semester (学期). Worse still, I was 7 to convince myself that “Yeah, that’s OK.” 【大题提能】 Spring semester came. A friend of mine 8 me one day asking if I wanted to go to Zumba (尊巴) with her. All I knew about Zumba was that it was basically exercise dancing to Latin and pop songs. It didn’t sound too bad, but I couldn’t be 9 . I went, and that was it. Zumba became my 10 of tea.The instructor would always say: “Don’t worry about the steps. Have fun. Do your own thing.” That removed my 11 about sports. I didn’t have to be 12 . I didn’t even have to be good.I just need to 13 the music and move. Zumba did 14 me from the Freshman 15 pounds, but it also did so much more. It let me make peace with my 15 past with physical fitness, and enjoy staying healthy. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章讲述了作者从小就不喜欢运动,甚至产生了恐惧的心理,但是大学的时候作 ... ...

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