

日期:2024-09-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:80次 大小:37148Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语阶段性练习(Unit1Book1)(65分钟) I. Listening Comprehension Section A 1. A. At a bus station. B. At a gas station. C. At a military museum. D. At a mobile phone shop. 2. A.3. B.5. C.8. D.11. 3. A. He had difficulty going to sleep at night. B. He stayed up late watching TV series. C. He produced an attractive TV series. D. He had to buy a new sleeping pillow. 4. A. The woman should clean up the closet. B. The woman has bought too many new clothes. C. The woman should put on some weight. D. The woman should buy more clothes. 5. A. The sunlight will burn up the jacket. B. The beach is too cold. C. She is proud of her dark skin color. D. The sunlight is helpful to her. 6. A. Many activities were arranged in the bookshop. B. Many people were listening to a writer’s lecture. C. The bookshop was popular because of the book resources. D. People went to the bookshop to get free books. 7. A. Customers can pay cash. B. There are more varieties of goods. C. Customers can get a bargain price. D. Customers can receive the goods faster. 8. A. Peter isn’t in his hometown himself. B. Peter isn’t their good friend. C. Peter is unlikely to appear to pick them up. D. Peter owns an empty house in his hometown. 9. A. Do a part-time job on campus. B. Borrow money from the woman. C. Obtain financial assistance from school. D. Study a practical case on campus. 10. A. The man had a bad time eating with his boss. B. The man had a stomachache after lunch. C. The man enjoys eating with co-workers. D. The man is particular about the food he eats. Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Users can choose height range. B. Users can improve their eyesight. C. Users can select the SPF of the cream. D. Users can get a full exposure to the cream. 12. A. The laziness of the inventor. B. The needs of the hotels. C. The fund the inventor obtained. D. The online usage video. 13. A. Inserting coins into the equipment. . Paying cash to the inventor. C. Buying Snappy Screen card. D. Paying for the hotel room. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. He got a medal for courage. B. He would become a French citizen. C. He got a position in the fire service. D. He received a large sum of money. 15. A. He was playing a game. B. He was sleeping in the balcony. C. He was staying with his family. D. He was injured. 16. A. The balcony was not strong enough. B. The boy's father left him alone at home. C. The house was on fire. D. Firemen broke into the house. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. The origin of AI technology. B. The bad influences AI might bring. C. The changes AI brings to humans. D. The waterproof feature of AI technology. 18. A. Too few people he has interviewed. B. The inferior AI products on the market. C. The lack of resources on AI theory. D. The lack of fund for the study. 19. A. It is located in the downtown area. B. It has professional staff. C. It offers great online r ... ...

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