
中职英语 语文版 基础模块上册 Unit 8 Brave It Out Warming up 课件(37张PPT含音频)

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(课件网) Unit 4 Brave It Out 基础模块上册 Unit 8 2 1 3 4 5 1. Warming up 3. Reading 4. Writing 5. Grammar 6. Homework Teaching Procedures 2. Listening & Speaking Warming up Activity 1 Ask students to show their opinions about Is Life Fair , ask them to show the short stories of unfair life, which they prepared before class. Then show some pictures to give them deep impression of unfair life. Aims: Check the self-study work of students’ pre-class exploration, and train the ability of speaking. Compare the two kinds of living condition, think about: Is life fair Warming up Different children have different childhood! Warming up Warming up Activity 2 Are you satisfied with your life (your study, your family, housing, transportation…) Do you feel angry or disappointed when you cannot afford Nike or some famous brand clothes Have you blamed you parents at that time Do you admire those who are lucky and live better What do you want a fair life want to be Is it possible Give students the pictures and stories of Sanglan and Helen Keller. Warming up Activity 3 She had been a good gymnast, when she was 17, she broke her neck in the Goodwill Games, she can’t walk any more. But she adapted to her new life, staying optimistic, joining public good business, and living a happy life. warming up When she was only 19 months, she lost sight and hearing. But she didn’t give up, she published books and gave her time to help the disabled. People all over the world respect her very much. Listening Jack: I'm sorry _____. Mary: Again Jack: I _____ late this morning. Mary: Hurry. The class has started. Question: Why's Jack late I’m late got up Listening (Bang! Bang!) Mary: Who is making that noise Jack: Oh, _____. _____, Jack. My door is broken. Mary: Why didn't you fix it during the day Jack: I _____ late. Sorry for the trouble. Mary: _____. Question: 1) Who's making the noise What's Jack doing 2) Does Mary care much about the noise I’m sorry It’s me came back That’s all right Speaking-Expressing Concern Jack looks unhappy today. Mary is concerned about him. Mary: You look terrible. What's wrong with you Jack: I failed the English exam. Mary: I'm sorry to hear that. But you really don't have to feel like that. Jack: It's the second time I've failed. Mary: What's the problem, do you know Jack: I'm poor in spelling. Mary: Oh, take it easy. If you agree, I'd like to help you with your spelling. Jack: Really Mary: Sure. Jack: Thank you very much. Mary: My pleasure. Speaking Some Useful Expression: What's wrong (with you) What's the matter (with you) Anything wrong What's the problem What happened You look terrible. Are you ill You don't look well. You look down. Speaking Some Useful Expression: I lost my ... I failed ... I don't feel ... Really I'm sorry to hear that. Oh, dear! I'm sorry to hear that. Is that so I'm sorry to hear that. Take it easy./ Don't worry. /It's not a big problem. Speaking Role Play 1. Yo ... ...

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