ID: 21366365

浙江省绍兴市诸暨市2023-2024学年三年级上学期期末英语试题(PDF版,无答案 )

日期:2024-10-21 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:67次 大小:606458B 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年第一学期期末考试试卷 V.Listen and number. 标序号。 (本题失8小题。计8分) 三年级英语 l.Listen and circle.听录音, 国出你所听到的字母或单闪。(本题共8小题,计日分) 听力部分(共七大题,计60分) 2. PRC 1.Listen and cho0se.听对话,选出符合向意的困片。(本共10小题,计10分) hand Dd USA 2. 7. black 8 water A B nice 6 jump bread what rice jeep brown white nine juice III.Listen,circle and write. 所录音, 围出相应宇母,并将字母正确书写在四线格内。(本题共5 小题,计10分) 岛 ·怒 VL.Listen and choose the right answer,.听录音, 选择正确的句。(本题共6题,计6分) 1.A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. 2.A.My name is Sarah. B.This is Sarah. )3.A.How are you (e.a)tephant (b,d)ag (m,n)ase (k,c)ite (u,v)mbretta B.Very well.thanks. )4.A.No,thanks. B.Sure.Here you are. V.Listen and draw,听录音,正确的画 , 不正确的画②。(本题共8小题,计8分) 5.A.Oh,no. B.Me too )6.A.Thanks. B.Greatl .Listen and match,听录音,配对。(本题共5小题,计10分》 A B G⑨E 外8心 8 店 239 A 8 b.three c.four d血 年级英语第】页(共6页) 三年级英语第2页(共6页) 三年级英语第3页(共6页) 读写部分(共五大题,计40分) and cho0se.看图,读单词,把单词编号填入相应格子,(女题共g计9分) 天是Tm的生日。他速请了朋友来家里,一早Tim效开盐整厘家里的新品了,铁能他进 品归摆教吗? 入Read风and match。.这择与片相的对话。连一连。(本题共5小题,计5分 今天是Tm的生日。好朋友为Tm庆视生日, W.Read and che0se补全对话,将字母号填入相应格内。(本共5小题,计5分) Tm和网李们在微游戏的阿时,An在看龄本,一起和地读一法,选一选吧。 B.pencil-box C.noodles D.monkey E.rice Liy:H,Tim.This is my sister(妹妹).Ann G.eraser Tim:Nice to meet you.Ann Ann:Nice to meet you,too. m Ma H.juice Ann:Happy birthday.for you. Tim:Thank you. ● 皇品 Tim:What's in it Lily:Open it and see How old are you Tim:Wow It'sa bear.I like it. ● 心g习 B Bvel C.This is my Mum. Ⅱ and tick or cross.看图片,判断与句子是否相特.相特的打“√"不相符的打“× Ann:How old are you,Tim D.What's your name Tim:I'm seven years old. ● E.Have some water (本题共8小题,计8分 晚饭后,Tm和朋友们一起玩 Lily:Can I have some milk,Tim 1sy,0ud0.’的游戏,看一看他们微对了写7 Tim:Sure.Here you are. Lily:Thanks 马恩 8 V.Read,colour and write..读一读,按要求完成。(本题涂色5分,书写5分,计10分 Tim:You are welcome. 1.认一认窗帘上的宇母:2.将这些字母按顺序写在四线格上(大小写):3.按要求涂色 B.Read and choose..根据A部分对话内容选择,写在括号内。 (本题共3小题,计3分) I see Ad,6g. Show me your ruler. ()1.Tim is years old. Act like a duck. I'd like some bread Show me seven A.eight ( )2.Tim gets(收到)a gift.I'sa A.cake B.bear )3.Lily would like some_ 1.Colour the Q yellow. 2.Colour the F green.3.Colour the Y orange Stand up,please Touch your face Colour it white Shake your legs A.milk B.juice 4.Colour the I red. 5.Colour the J blue. 三年级英语第4页(共6页) 三年级英语第5页(共6页) 三年级英语第6页(共6页) ... ...

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