ID: 21497781

Unit 6 Keep our city clean 复习课件(知识梳理+典例精练)(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:2962658B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Keep our city clean (译林版英语六年级上册复习) Do you throw rubbish on the floor No, I don’t! I put my rubbish in the bin. Can we keep our city clean Yes, we can! We can put our rubbish in the bin. 语 调 一般疑问句句末读升调。 如: Do you throw rubbish on the floor ↗ 一般疑问句的回答读降调。 如: Yes,I do./ No,I don't. ↘ 陈述句句末读降调。 如: I put my rubbish in the bin. ↘ 保持,维持:_____ 干净的,整洁的:_____ 肮脏的:_____ 使 变得:_____ 博物馆:_____ 地面,地上:_____ keep clean dirty make museum 必记单词 ground 空气:_____ 烟雾:_____ 垃圾:_____ 摔倒:_____ 肮脏的,乱七八糟的:_____ 死的:_____ 垃圾桶:_____ 滑倒:_____ 种植,栽种:_____ 更多的:_____ 扔:_____ 果皮:_____ air smoke rubbish fall bin slip plant more messy throw 必记单词 dead skin 汽车尾气:_____ 使空气变脏:_____ 在水里:_____ 乘公共汽车:_____ 步行去上学:_____ 你们的主意:_____ 做得好:_____ 种更多的树:_____ 步行回家:_____ 住在城市里:_____ 把它捡起来:_____ 去医院(看病):_____ smoke from cars make the air dirty in the water take the bus well done plant more trees walk home live in the city walk to school pick it up 常考短语 your ideas go to hospital 扔香蕉皮:_____ 扫地:_____ 在地上:_____ 来自工厂的黑烟:_____ 乘地铁去上学:_____ 把垃圾放进垃圾桶里:_____ 把垃圾扔在地上:_____ 又干净又漂亮:_____ 在香蕉皮上滑倒:_____ 使街道变得又乱又脏: _____ 保持我们的城市整洁:_____ throw a banana skin sweep the floor on the ground black smoke from factories throw rubbish on the floor clean and beautiful slip on the banana skin make the streets messy and dirty take the metro to school keep our city clean 常考短语 put rubbish in the bin “什么使……变脏 ”: “What made … dirty ” What made our city dirty 必会句型 “……使……变得……”: “… made …+形容词.” Smoke from cars made the air dirty. 必会句型 “我们能做什么来 ”: “What can we do to … ” 必会句型 What can we do to keep it clean “我们能 ”: “We can …” 必会句型 We can walk to school. 核心语法 1. keep的用法: (1) keep作系动词。 (2) keep作实义动词。 2. make的用法: (1) make意为“制造”。 (2) make意为“使变得”。 考 点 速 记 keep的用法 考点 1 原文:What can we do to keep our city clean 我们能做些什么来保持我们的城市的清洁呢? keep是一个用法很灵活的动词,其用法如下: 一、keep作系动词 keep作系动词时,意为“保持(某种状态)”。 1. keep+形容词 如: Please keep clean, everyone! I wear a scarf to keep warm. 2. keep sb./ sth.+形容词 如: Good habits will keep our body healthy. 二、keep作实义动词 1. keep作实义动词时,意为“坚持;继续”,后面如果接动词,要用动词- ing形式作宾语。 如: Keep( on) eating apples every day, and you'll become healthier. 2. keep作实义动词时,还可意为“保留,留着”,后面常接名词或代词。 如: You keep it. I read this book last night. 提 分 练 B C A 提 分 练 These gloves keep warm Keep closed keep studying To keep plant more trees 提 分 练 Keep quiet What do 提 分 练 Does help keep I should get up and go to bed early to keep healthy. We must ke ... ...

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