ID: 21378310

湖南衡阳名校2025届高三2024年10月份第1周 英语好题推荐(含解析)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:38次 大小:56968B 来源:二一课件通
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2024年10月份第1周 英语好题推荐 The Best Exhibitions in 2024: North America Ed Ruscha: Now Then Museum of Modern Art, New York September 10, 2024 to January 13, 2025 Ed Ruscha’s use of language as an artistic tool changed the face of post-war art! The exhibition will track the full length of Ruscha’s career over 65 years, without narrowly defining him. Mirroring his own cross-disciplinary (跨界的) approach, it will feature over 250 works showing him as painter, bookmaker, filmmaker, and photographer. Marisol Escobar: A Retrospective Montreal Museum of Fine Arts October 7, 2024 to January 21, 2025 Marisol Escobar is best known for carved wooden sculptures that she decorated with drawings, fabric and found objects. Some critics characterized her as a folk artist. The show will feature all Marisol’s classical works, as well as source materials, studies and personal photographs to illustrate her working methods and life. Homage to Carla Stellweg: Cultivate Museo Tamayo, Mexico City Through August 6, 2024 Carla Stellweg has played a vital part in the development of a connection between Mexican art and the international art world. She co-founded Mexico’s first contemporary art magazine, which became a vital platform connecting Latin American artists. This exhibition brings together archival materials and the work of artists she’s cooperated with, and centers her as a crucial agent in Latin American contemporary art. William Blake: Visionary The Getty Center, Los Angeles October 17, 2024 to January 14, 2025 William Blake was a boundary-breaking English poet, painter and printmaker. By combining his poetry and imagery on the page through unique technique, he created some of the most striking imagery in British art and has since inspired countless artists including Walt Whitman and Jimi Hendrix. This exhibition will explore the artist-poet’s imaginative world through his most celebrated works. 1.Which of the following would you visit if you are fond of folk art A. Museo Tamayo. B. The Getty Center. C. Museum of Modern Art. D. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. 2.Who has served as a link between Mexican art and international art A. Ed Ruscha. B. Carla Stellweg. C. William Blake. D. Marisol Escobar. 3.What do Ed Ruscha: Now Then and William Blake: Visionary have in common A. They will show cross-boundary art. B. They will feature post-war artworks. C. They will focus on the artist’s long career. D. They will present the artist’s source materials. Della Steward got the standard well-wishes on her blog on her 53rd birthday, but she got some unusual messages too. One was about the Smith family who had just lost their four-year-old son to cancer. His older brother was in deep sorrow. Could Della help That message and the 30 or so others like it were exactly what Della was looking for. To celebrate her 53rd, the long-time social service professional had put out a call on her blog. She wanted to commit 53 random acts of kindness by the end of her birth month, a ... ...

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