
译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 The universal language Reading 课件(共34张PPT,内镶嵌2视频和1音频

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:82次 大小:85781282Byte 来源:二一课件通
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M4U2 The universal language Guess what instrument is it? Do you know when and where it was invented? Erhu was invented in China in the Tang Dynasty. Piano was invented in Italy in the 18th century. Welcome to the unit Read the two posters about erhu and piano, remember their information and then retell to your deskmates . Read the two posters. What are the parts of the musical instruments? P15 Read the two posters. P15 What are the parts of the musical instruments? head (琴头) soundbox (琴筒) strings (琴弦) stick (琴杆) pegs (琴轴) bow (琴弓) bow hair (弓毛) Read the two posters. P15 What are the parts of the musical instruments? lid (琴盖) keyboard pedals (踏板) strings (琴弦) Dorothy M4U2 Reading Understanding cultural through music Fast-reading Alice’s email Read the first email and work out the main idea. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 I watched a performance of _____ last night. The _____ and _____ of Butterfly Lovers. Butterfly Lovers illustrate how wonderfully _____ and _____ musical elements can mix. Butterfly Lovers story music Chinese Western Careful-reading Plot of the story and Characteristics of the music Beginning Development Climax Ending ( light and pleasant, as if whispering to the audience) (fast and cheeful) (dramatic with heavier notes) (taking a soft turn and ending on a bittersweet note.) Retell the story The two lovers first meet. The music is _____ The atmosphere is as if _____ They spend _____ at school together. The music is _____ and _____ The atmosphere is _____ Liang falls _____and _____ Zhu weeps_____ and_____ The music is _____ The atmosphere is angry and sad. The couple transformed into _____ The music is taking a _____ turn and ending on a _____ note. The atmosphere is exciting. light and pleasant whispering to the audience 3 years fast cheerful happy sick dies bitterly jumps into Liang’s Grave dramatic with heavier notes butterflies soft bittersweet Why does Alice say “Music is indeed a universal language”? Fast-reading Stephen’s email Read the second email and work out the main idea. Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 My host family introduces me to _____ . Country music has a long _____ and it often features certain specific _____ and _____ that leave you deep in thought Country music suggests a _____ and simple life in rural America. country music Para.4 You should listen to some _____. history instruments lyrics peaceful country music 1.History ●born out of blues and folk music ●became popular: time: _____ place: _____ Country music 2.The typical instrument(s) _____ 3.Characteristics ● tunes: _____ ● lyrics: _____ ● _____: hardship, heartbreak and hope 4. Examples ●The musician: _____ ●The song: _____ _____ in the 1940s in the south of America the guitar easy to sing leave the audience deep in thought John Denver “Take Me Home, Country Roads” Detailed Reading themes Stephen’s email Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah River Life is old there, Older than the trees Younger than the mountains, gro ... ...

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