ID: 21384627

人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions课时测评作业(含解析,五份打包)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:49次 大小:427151B 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT 4 单元知识精练 Ⅰ.单词拼写(每小题1分,共12分) 1.He rushed to _____(迎接) her,sweeping his arms wide. 2.With exams _____ (靠近),it is a good idea to ask teachers for some practical tips. 3.After making his way through _____ (一群人) of people,the author finally found a subway line that was operating. 4.It _____(使困惑) us why we have made false conclusions once again. 5.Have you got any _____(证据) to support your account of what happened just now 6.It has been _____(宣布) that more jobs will be lost,which makes all the employees upset. 7.He was _____ (指控) with theft,so he had no choice but to employ a lawyer to defend himself. 8.He felt a sense of _____ (成就),for his boss gave him a smile of satisfaction. 9.Schools should be lively places where _____(个人) are capable of developing to their greatest potential. 10.The popular band obtains a large _____(数量) of money from their wonderful performances. 11.It has been proved that the purse in the lost and found office _____ (属于) to the conductor. 12.To my great satisfaction,the boss thought I was completely qualified for the _____ (职位). Ⅱ.单句语法填空(每小题1.5分,共18分) 1.The teacher as well as his students _____(be) fond of playing the piano. 2.The final exam _____(approach),and all the students are absorbed in their lessons. 3.The trees previously planted have become a powerful _____(defend) against the strong wind. 4.When I saw the albums,sweet memories crowded _____ my mind. 5.I _____(surround) by many fans after the charming performance on stage. 6.I came up with a good approach _____ curing him of the bad disease. 7.I kept him company to the post office to take a parcel _____(belong) to his sister. 8.It is _____(evidence) that the young composer is capable of creating more excellent compositions. 9.It _____(strike) him that he could deal with the embarrassing case in this way. 10.Keep in mind that you shouldn’t break _____ from your family because you are still young. 11.Huge amounts of updated information _____(download) free of charge in the past few days. 12.I am particularly eager _____(chat) with him online this Sunday. Ⅲ.补全句子(每小题2分,共10分) 1.As to the coming-of-age ceremony held last Sunday,_____. 关于上周日举行的成人礼,我渴望和你分享一些细节。 2.As chairman of the Students’ Union,_____ _____. 作为学生会主席,我负责整个活动。 3.At first,_____ _____ delivered inspiring speeches. 起初,我们的校长和三名学生代表发表了鼓舞人心的演讲。 4.All of the students and teachers _____ _____. 所有师生都被他们的演讲感动了。 5.Through the coming-of-age ceremony,we were fully aware that we must _____ _____ instead of wasting our precious time. 通过这次成人礼仪式,我们充分意识到我们必须投入大量的时间学习,而不是浪费我们宝贵的时间。 Ⅳ.用非谓语动词补全句子(每小题2分,共10分) 1.Everyone _____ is welcome to take part in it. 每个对这个话题感兴趣的人都欢迎参加。 2.Our school _____ _____ offers us an opportunity to do a variety of sports. 我们学校配备了两个操场和一个 ... ...

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