ID: 21389092

Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Reading and Thinking & Learning About Language(I)课件(共24页)+ 导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-10-12 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:30次 大小:8236910B 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS  读后续写微技能三———头部动作 1.She hung her head,not sure how to reply. 她垂下头,不知该如何回答。 2.“That’s incredible!” he said,shaking his head in disbelief. “简直难以置信!”他一边说,一边不相信地摇着头。 3.He scratched his head,not understanding a word. 他挠了挠头,一个字也不懂。 4.His head drooped,and his tears fell onto the lap while she held her head in her hands,greatly annoyed. 他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。而她双手抱头,苦恼不已。 5.The boy lowered his head in shame when caught cheating. 被抓住作弊时,男孩羞愧地低下了头。 6.She rested her head on/against his shoulder and he twisted his head slightly,and looked down at her. 她将头靠在他的肩膀上。他微微扭过头,低头看着她。 7.They nodded their heads in agreement. 他们点头同意。 Steven walked slowly to the bus,1.his head down,tears in his eyes.His friend John 2.nodded his head and smiled at him.Though he was in a bad mood,he 3.dropped/hung/lowered his head to hide it and managed a smile.When he got home,he 4.buried his head under the quilt,pretending to be asleep.However,his mother stopped her housework,5.raising her head with surprise in her eyes.Then Steven rose,sat close to his mother,6.rested his head on/against her shoulder,and could hardly resist weeping. 史蒂文低着头,眼里含着泪水,慢慢地走向公共汽车。他的朋友约翰点了点头,对他微笑。虽然他心情不好,但他低下头强作掩饰,勉强挤出一个微笑。他回到家,把头埋在被子里,假装睡着了。然而,他的母亲停止了她的家务,抬起头,眼里充满了惊讶。然后史蒂文站起来,坐在他母亲身边,把头靠在她的肩膀上,几乎忍不住哭了起来。 Period Ⅰ Reading and Thinking & Learning About Language———通文本 Step Ⅰ Read for the main idea (Ⅰ)Match the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1 A.A land of mountains and ice Para.2 B.Man at peace with nature Para.3 C.A land of adventure Para.4 D.A summer where the sun never sleeps 答案 Para.1 D Para.2 A Para.3 B Para.4 C (Ⅱ)Find out the main idea of the text. The passage is about Europe’s hidden natural treasure—Sarek National Park. Step Ⅱ Read the lines (Ⅰ)Answer the following questions. 1.What steps has the Swedish government taken to keep Sarek in its natural state?(Para.2) It was made a national park,no one besides the Sami can live there,and all new development is banned. 2.Why does the author think the sweat and hard work is worth it?(Para.4) It is a beautiful and wild place,and the writer is enjoying a great adventure. (Ⅱ)Read the text quickly and choose the best answer. 1.Why does the author can’t easily tell if it is morning or night A.Because it is the first time for the author to come to the Arctic Circle. B.Because the author doesn’t have a chance to check his watch. C.Because the sun never sets at the season above the Arctic Circle. D.Because the author is in the remote far north of Sweden. 2.Why did the Swedish government make Sarek a national park A.In order to attract more visitors. B.In order to protect reindeer. C.In order to keep people ou ... ...

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