ID: 21391113

Unit 6 Is he your grandpa 第1课时 Lead-in & Cartoon time 课件+素材(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-10-21 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:42次 大小:44243107B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Period 1 Lead-in & Cartoon time Enjoy a song brother sister mom friend grandpa dad aunt cousin grandma good uncle Tick the words you listen Who are they Where are they Look and answer They are at home. Liu Tao Liu Tao’s dad Liu Tao’s mom Liu Tao’s brother What about other people 祖父,外祖父 祖父,外祖父 Look and learn 祖母,外祖母 祖母,外祖母 Look and learn Look and learn 舅父,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨夫 姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母 堂兄(弟), 堂姐(妹), 表兄(弟), 表姐(妹) Look and learn Grandpa, grandma, Father, mother, Brother, sister, uncle, aunt and cousin. We all love each other! We are happy together! Let’s chant Cartoon time Who’s he He’s my grandfather John. He’s John too. 询问某人是谁。 Cartoon time Yes, he is. He’s John too. Is he your father “Is he/she your ... ”意为“他/她是你的……吗?”,用于确认某人的身份。肯定回答为“Yes, he/she is.”, 否定回答为”No, he/she isn’t.”。 e.g. -Is he your father -Yes, he is. -Is she your mother -No, she isn’t. Language points Cartoon time He’s my cousin John. Who’s this boy Cool! 妙极的,酷的 询问某人是谁。 Cool Cartoon time John! Look, Bobby. This is ... Cartoon time No. This is me! My name is Sam. 我(宾格) me This is me! 这是我! 该句型用来介绍自己。This is...后面接人称代词时要用宾格形式。I和me都是“我”,区别在于I为主格,用作主语,多放在句首;me是宾格,多用在动词和介词后面。 Language points He’s Sam’s _____. He’s Sam’s _____. Look and say grandpa father He’s Sam’s _____. He’s Sam. Look and say cousin What do you think of Sam’s big family Think and discuss Listen and repeat Who’s he He’s my grandfather John. He’s John too. Listen and repeat Yes, he is. He’s John too. Is he your father Listen and repeat He’s my cousin John. Who’s this boy Cool! Listen and repeat John! Look, Bobby. This is ... Listen and repeat No. This is me! My name is Sam. Read and tick Who is John Act it out Act out the story with a partner. Use part A to help you. Think and say 1 Why does Bobby say “John” in picture 4 2 How are Chinses and English names different 在西方人群中重名的现象十分普遍。西方人起名字时倾向于从常用的人名中来选取,因此重名的几率更大一些。究其根源,西方重名现象主要有以下几种情况: 名字在家族成员不同辈分中交替使用,使名字有了一种继承的意味。特别是沿用家族中有有功绩、荣耀的长辈的名字。另外一种重名的情况,在于有些名字本身具有某种含义。西方人给孩子所起的名字中也包含着一些寄托和期望,不过与中国人名不同的是,西方人倾向于直接采用先知、圣人、先贤、伟人的名字给自己的孩子起名。所以父子同名在西方国家是比较常见的。 Let’s know more Letters in focus 1 Read the story agian and find the letters “Rr”, “Ss” and “Tt”. r r T letters in focus 2 Listen, point and say the letters. 3 Trace and write the letters. R r a: ② ① ① Ss es ① ① Tt ti: ① ② ② ① Summary Key words: grandpa, grandfather, grandma, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin, cool, me Key sentences: 1. Who’s he 2. Is he your father 3. This is me. Letters: Rr, Ss, Tt Hom ... ...

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