ID: 21413386


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:98次 大小:95564B 来源:二一课件通
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    读后续写关于“哭泣”的语言提升 必记好词 sob v. 呜咽 weep v. 哭泣 cry v. & n. 哭 wail v. 悲号 bawl v. 大声哭喊 moan v. 呻吟 howl v. 嗥叫 bleat v. 抱怨 sniffle v. 抽泣 mourn v. 哀悼 burst into tears 突然哭泣 shed tears 流泪 cry one's heart out 痛哭流涕 break down in tears 崩溃地哭泣 sob uncontrollably 不可控制地抽噎 burst into sobs 突然抽噎起来 weep bitterly 恸哭 tears well up 眼泪涌出 cry like a baby 像婴儿一样哭泣 choke back tears 忍住眼泪 cry in despair 绝望地哭泣 cry oneself to sleep 哭着入睡 cry out of relief 因解脱而哭泣 cry oneself hoarse 哭得嗓子沙哑 cry in sympathy 表示同情而哭泣 cry in frustration 沮丧地哭泣 cry out of loneliness 因孤独而哭泣 cry with joy 欣喜地哭泣 cry out of anger 因愤怒而哭泣 cry with relief 如释重负地哭泣 cry out of fear 因恐惧而哭泣 cry out of frustration 因沮丧而哭泣 burst into tears of laughter 笑得流泪 cry out of heartbreak 因心碎而哭泣 cry in disbelief 难以置信地哭泣 cry from deep within 从内心深处哭泣 必读好句 She shed tears of joy when she received the good news. 她收到好消息时流下了欣喜的眼泪。 After receiving the heartbreaking news, she cried her heart out all night. 得知这个令人心碎的消息后,她彻夜痛哭流涕。 Overwhelmed by grief, he broke down in tears at the funeral. 他悲痛欲绝,在葬礼上崩溃地大哭。 Upon hearing the devastating news, she sobbed uncontrollably, unable to contain her emotions. 听到这个令人震惊的消息后,她不可控制地抽噎,情绪无法自持。 As she watched the emotional movie, she had to choke back tears. 当她看这部感人的电影时,她不得不强忍住眼泪。 Feeling lonely in the new city, she cried out of loneliness. 在新的城市里感到孤单,她因孤独而哭泣。 Being scared in the haunted house, she cried out of fear. 在恐怖屋里感到害怕,她因恐惧而哭泣。 The comedian's jokes were so funny that she burst into tears of laughter. 喜剧演员的笑话太搞笑了,让她笑出眼泪。 The heartbreak of losing her loved one made her cry her heart out. 失去心爱的人所带来的伤痛让她痛哭流涕。 The deep emotions overwhelmed her, and she cried from deep within. 深深的情感压倒了她,她从内心深处哭泣。 必背好段 Overwhelmed by the recent heartbreak, she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. She broke down in tears, sobbing uncontrollably, and weeping bitterly. The pain consumed her, and she cried from deep within, releasing the anguish she had been carrying. But a midst the sorrow, there were moments of unexpected joy. In the midst of a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend, she burst into tears of laughter, experiencing a brief respite from her heartache. The tears that flowed were a mix of pain and laughter, a testament to the complex nature of human emotions. 被最近的伤痛所压倒,她再也无法抑制住自己的情绪。她泪流满面,泣不成声,痛哭流涕。痛苦淹没了她,她从内心深处哭泣,释放着她一直背负的痛苦。然而,在悲伤之中,也有意想不到的快乐时刻。在与一位挚友的倾心交谈中,她笑到流泪,暂时从心痛中得到了片刻的喘息。流淌下的眼泪是痛苦和欢笑的交织,是人类情感复杂性的见证。 必练好题 1. 听到坏消息,她突然哭泣起来。 She heard the bad news and     ... ...

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