ID: 21413392


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:39次 大小:132209B 来源:二一课件通
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    读后续写关于“后悔、内疚与自责”的表达 必记好词 guilt 内疚 remorse 懊悔 penitence 忏悔 self-reproach 自责 conscience-stricken 内疚的 apologize 道歉 apology 道歉 apologetic 道歉的 blame 责备 error 过失 fault 过错 reproach 责备 feel remorseful 感到懊悔 carry the weight of guilt 承受内疚的负担 have regrets 有遗憾 be haunted by guilt 被内疚缠绕 repent for one's actions 为某人的行为忏悔 regret bitterly 痛苦地后悔 feel deep regret 感到深深的遗憾 be filled with self-reproach 充满自责 be full of self-reproach 充满自责 mourn over one's mistakes 对某人的错误感到悲痛 be remorseful for one's behavior 对某人的行为感到懊悔 apologize profusely 深深地道歉 bear the burden of regret 承受后悔的负担 carry a sense of shame 怀有羞耻感 regret deeply 深深地后悔 feel a sense of guilt 感到内疚 suffer from remorse 因懊悔而痛苦 feel regretful about 对……感到遗憾 be torn by guilt 因内疚痛苦不堪 take responsibility for one's actions 对某人的行为负责 remorsefully apologize 懊悔地道歉 feel shame and regret 感到羞耻和后悔 feel remorse over one's choices 对某人的选择感到懊悔 regret the consequences of one's actions 对某人行为的后果感到懊悔 be painfully aware of one's mistakes 痛苦地意识到某人的错误 desperately seek forgiveness 绝 望 地 寻 求宽恕 wish to turn back time 希望能够回到过去 have a guilty conscience 有负罪感 have regrets and longings 有后悔和向往 apologize from the bottom of one's heart 由衷地道歉 carry remorse in one's heart 心中带着懊悔 regret one's past actions 对过去的行为感到后悔 feel deep remorse and regret 感到深深的懊悔和遗憾 be tormented by self-blame 被自责所折磨 sincerely apologize 真诚地道歉 have a heavy heart due to remorse 因懊悔而心情沉重 必读好句 With a heavy heart, I carry the weight of guilt for my mistakes. 怀着沉重的心情,我为我的错误感到深深的内疚。 She bowed her head in remorse, unable to look anyone in the eye. 她懊悔地低下头,不敢正眼看任何人。 I am haunted by guilt, replaying my actions in my mind over and over again. 我被内疚所困扰,一遍又一遍地在脑海中重现我的行为。 His shoulders slumped in self-reproach as he realized the consequences of his choices. 他意识到自己的选择的后果,肩膀因自责而低垂。 Tears welled up in her eyes as she apologized profusely for her thoughtless words. 她不断地为自己轻率的言辞道歉,眼中充满了泪水。 He clenched his fists in remorse, feeling the weight of his mistakes. 他握紧双拳,感受到错误的沉重,内心十分懊悔。 She bit her lip, trying to hold back tears of guilt and regret. 她咬住嘴唇,努力忍住内疚和后悔的眼泪。 She hung her head in shame, unable to meet anyone's gaze after her actions. 她羞愧地低下头,无法在行动之后面对任何人的目光。 I wish I could turn back time and undo the mistakes I made. 我希望我能回到过去,撤销我犯的错误。 She carried a heavy burden of regret, unable to forgive herself for the pain she caused. 她承受沉重的遗憾,无法从痛苦中释怀。 必背好段 Culture shock is everywhere. When Adam realized the unintentional mistake he made by gifting a clock to Grandpa Li on his 80th birthday in China, his heart sa ... ...

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