ID: 21423151

Unit 6 Is he your grandpa ? 同步练习 (无答案)

日期:2024-10-21 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:86次 大小:143069B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 Is he your grandpa Cartoon time 一、单词归类:找出下列各组单词中不属于同类的选项。 ( )1.A.grandpa B.grape C.grandma ( )2.A.aren't B.aunt C.uncle ( )3.A.cousin C.together ( ) C.your ( ) C.girl 二、词汇填空:在横线上填上正确的物主代词,完成句子。 1.Look at family photo. This is me. 2.Helen has a new dress. She likes new dress very much. 3.Mike and sister are at home. 4.Look at the giraffe. neck is very long. 5.-Is he uncle -Yes. He is my uncle. 三、看图填空:根据图片,在横线上填上合适的单词。 1. -This is father. - is cool. 2.- that woman - my mother. 3.-Is this father -No. It's 4.-This is my ,Miss Fox. -Nice to you, Miss Fox. 5.- that Sam -No. Sam's mother. 四、对话匹配:从右栏中选出与左栏句子对应的回答句。 ( )1.Are they your friends A.No. She is a nurse. ( )2.Are you a student B.Yes, I can. ( )3.Is your grandma a teacher C.Yes, I am. ( )4.Can you make a family tree D.No, he isn't. ( )5.Is this your grandpa E.Yes, they are. Story time 一、词汇填空:按要求写出正确的单词。 1.grandpa(对应词) 2.our(对应词)复数形式)对应词) 5.he(物主代词) 二、词汇运用:按要求填空,完成句子。 (一)从括号内选择合适的单词,填写在横线上。 1. Miss Li (are/is)a good teacher. 2. (Is/Are)you Wang Bing 3. (Is/Are)that boy Wang Bing 4. Look! This is (I/my)picture. 5. Look at Mr Green. (His/Her)hair is short. (二)根据所给中文提示,在横线上写出单词的正确形式。 6. I like my (家庭). 7. Is that man your (舅舅)? 8. Who is this (宝宝)? 9. Look! It's (我). 10. I have two (表弟). 三、完成句子:根据所给中文填空。 1.我的阿姨是一名厨师。 is a cook. 2.这是我的奶奶。 is my . 3.做一张家谱,谈论你的家庭。 a family and about it. 4.-他是你的爷爷吗?-是的,他是。 - he your - ,he . 5.-那个女人是谁? -她是我的老师。 - woman - my . 四、连词成句:将下列单词连成正确的句子。 1. who, that, is, man ( ) 2. he, your, grandpa, is ( ) 3. my, grandpa, very, is, tall (,) 4. we, a, family, big, have(.) 5. that, man, is, uncle, your ( ) Wrap-up time & Assessment time 一、单词辨音:判断各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不相同的打“×”。 ( )1.mother brother ( )2.afternoon father ( )3.right night ( )4.sister mother ( )5.colour nose 二、选词填空:选择适合填在横线上的疑问词填空。 What Where Who How How many 1.- is this -It's a marble. 2.- boys -Three boys. 3.- is she -She's my friend Helen. 4.-. is your aunt -She's nice. 5.- is my pencil -It's in your desk. 三、句型转换:按要求完成句子。 1. She's my sister.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) your sister ,she . 2. My father is a worker.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) father a worker Yes, . 3. That woman is my aunt.(对画线部分提问) that woman 4. The boy is his cousin.(对画线部分提问) the boy 5. They are Wang Bing and Liu Tao.(对画线部分提问) they 四、阅读理解:按要求完成任务。 My name is Chen Lingji. I'm a boy. I'm ten years old. I'm a student. Look! I have a sweet family. This is my grandfather. He is tall. This is my grandmother. She is nice. The cool man is my father. The beautiful woman is my mother. And ... ...

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