ID: 21430627


日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:81884B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 七选五 How Mindfulness Can Promote Calm Practicing mindfulness in your everyday life can help your overall wellbeing and mental health. It can help you tap into calmness by staying in the present moment. __36___ Many people think that mindfulness is just about meditation, but that is only one aspect. A good definition of mindfulness is that it is an awareness of what’s going on inside and outside of yourself as well as an awareness of your own thoughts. A. But what exactly is mindfulness B. That’s where meditation can help. C. Why do some people misunderstand mindfulness D. Mindfulness cannot make stress and anxiety disappear. E. Practicing mindfulness doesn’t mean stopping noticing the world. F. One of these approaches is known as mindfulness - based stress reduction. G. It makes sense that the practice of mindfulness can help boost your memory. A tap into definition It makes sense that….It 做形式主语 利用 define→n. make sense 有意义;讲得通 make sense of 理解明白 ____37____ In fact, a big part of being mindful is noticing the sights, sounds, tastes and smells around you. This can be as simple as smelling a flower or listening to the rain falling on your roof. Being aware of the surrounding world can help you find more joy and see the world with new eyes. A. But what exactly is mindfulness B. That’s where meditation can help. C. Why do some people misunderstand mindfulness D. Mindfulness cannot make stress and anxiety disappear. E. Practicing mindfulness doesn’t mean stopping noticing the world. F. One of these approaches is known as mindfulness - based stress reduction. G. It makes sense that the practice of mindfulness can help boost your memory. E Mindfulness allows you to be aware of your thoughts and emotions. This awareness can help you notice signs of anxiety or stress earlier and help you work through them.___38___Mindful meditation allows you to sit quietly and pay full attention to your breathing and the parts of your body. Breathing exercises can help relax and de-stress you. A. But what exactly is mindfulness B. That’s where meditation can help. C. Why do some people misunderstand mindfulness D. Mindfulness cannot make stress and anxiety disappear. E. Practicing mindfulness doesn’t mean stopping noticing the world. F. One of these approaches is known as mindfulness - based stress reduction. G. It makes sense that the practice of mindfulness can help boost your memory. B de-stress 缓解压力 An analysis published in Nature Human Behaviour also found that mindfulness practices can be adapted to relieve feelings of anxiety and stress.___39____It is an eight-week program that combines elements of mindfulness and yoga that help people address the issues that contribute to their stress. A. But what exactly is mindfulness B. That’s where meditation can help. C. Why do some people misunderstand mindfulness D. Mindfulness cannot make stress and anxiety disappear. E. Prac ... ...

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