ID: 21441475

人教版九年级全册Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?考点梳理

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:34646B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are 考点梳理 考点1 .beside 在旁边(或附近); 【教材原句】The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank. 【拓展】 beside, besides辨析 1.beside为介词,意为“在……旁边;在…附近”,相当于next to。 I am standing beside Lucy. It's a town beside the sea. 2.besides 做介词,意为“除……之外(还)…”;做副词,意为“另外;而且”。 We learn English at school besides Chinese and math. I don't want to go, besides, I'm too tired. 【经典练】 ①He also writes novels in his spare time _____ as a teacher. A.beside B.besides C.except D.except for ②I got 3 A’s! _____ Maths, I got an A in English and Chinese. A.Except B.Except for C.Beside D.Besides ③In addition, we can forget about our problems by reading these types of stories. A.Besides B.Beside C.In conclusion D.Above all 【写作佳句】 Besides, running for half an hour every day helps me keep in good health. 此外,每天跑步半个小时帮助我保持健康。 考点2.rush仓促,急促 【教材原句】You don't need to rush! 你不必着急! 【句型剖析】rush的用法 1. rush在本句中为动词,意为“仓促,急促”。 rush to do sth.意为“赶紧/抢着做某事”; rush to意为“冲向,奔向”。 Bill rushed to the door. 2. rush 做名词,意为“匆忙,繁忙”。 I can’t stop. I’m in a rush. 【固定搭配】 in a rush 匆忙地;rush hour (交通)高峰期;拥堵时刻 【经典练】 ①When the bell rang, all the students rushed out of the classroom. A.went out B.ran out quickly C.walked out D.came out slowly ②Katie has bought the ticket for the concert online, so she doesn’t need to _____ to the theater this evening. A.add B.rush C.reply ③—You need to be quick. It’s already ten o’clock. —Don’t _____ me. It will make things even worse. A.note B.trouble C.warn D.rush 考点 3.suggest 建议;提议 【教材原句】 I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. 【句型剖析】suggest的用法 suggest为及物动词,意为“建议;提议” 1. suggest sth.建议/提议某事 I'll suggest a new plan to him. 2. suggest doing sth.建议/提议做某事 I suggest playing basketball after school. 3. suggest+that引导的宾语从句 【拓展】 动词 suggest suggest sth. suggest doing sth. suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth. advise advise sb. (not) to do sth. advise doing sth. 名词 suggestion 可数名词 advice 不可数名词 【经典练】 ①—What do you usually do when you’re in trouble —I usually ask my parents for suggestions. A.mind C.advice ②—Let’s go and get something to eat. What do you _____ —How about fish and chips A.suggest B.imagine C.suppose D.insist ③—I _____ spending the whole day at home. Any ideas —I _____ visiting the museums online. It’s very interesting. A.hate; suggest B.enjoy; avoid C.consider; forget 【写作佳句】 I suggest that you should learn English wisely instead of memorizing words only.我建议你应该聪明的学习英语而不是只记住单词。 考点4. pass by 路过;经过 【教材原句】 On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. 【句型剖析】 pass by的用法 1. pass by意为“路过;经过 ... ...

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