ID: 21442846

2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项:读后续写汇报课 课件 (共14张PPT)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:951876B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) English Continuation Writing problems 20XX 演示文稿标题 2 1. 时间不够用 2. 理解不到位———跑题。 3. 构思不充分 4. 语言表达 5. 只重视“写”,忽视“读和思”———写” 失去基础,造成跑题、不一致、不协调、不真实等诸多影响得分档次的问题。 Writing method: 5W+1H what 20XX 演示文稿标题 3 where when why who how (how to solve the problem) 其他内容 副标题 添加文本、图像、艺术作品和视频。 添加切换效果、动画和动作。 保存到 OneDrive,以便从计算机、平板电脑或手机访问演示文稿。 副标题 打开“设计灵感”窗格以查看即时幻灯片美化。 如果有设计灵感,将在此处显示。 副标题 此 PowerPoint 主题使用独特的一组颜色、字体和效果来打造这些幻灯片的整体外观。 PowerPoint 有大量主题,可以让你的演示文稿别具一格。 20XX 演示文稿标题 4 Writing method: 5W+1H 20XX 演示文稿标题 5 where when who Ali almost neared the finish line in the race. the day of race. Ali and Zahra. Writing method: 5W+1H what: 20XX 演示文稿标题 6 2、Ali took part in a long distance race to get a new pair of shoes. 1、Ali lost Zahra’s shoes, so they have to share Ali’s shoes. 3、Ali crashed to the ground. Writing method: 5W+1H 20XX 演示文稿标题 7 why 1、Ali lost Zahra’s shoes and wanted to get a new one. 2、Ali’s family is poor. 20XX 演示文稿标题 8 Beginning Climax solution Lost Zahra’s shoes afraid, regretful excited, hopeful Crashed to the ground tired, anxious problem process Took part in the race for the third prize 20XX 演示文稿标题 9 Paragraph 1: Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead writing Paragraph 2: Filled with pleasure, Ali walked home quickly Paragraph 1: Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead 20XX 演示文稿标题 10 Question 2: how did he feel at that time Question 1: What did he do next Struggle to his feet; creep; continue; speed; head; thought; make up one’s mind Anxious and worried; determined. A flush of, a wave of Paragraph 1: Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead 20XX 演示文稿标题 11 Question 3: What was the consequence of the race won excited and happy. Overwhelmed by; Question 4: How did he feel at the end of the race Paragraph 1: Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead 20XX 演示文稿标题 12 Question 5: Why did he keep running eager eyes; promise 20XX 演示文稿标题 13 Paragraph 1: Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead Despite the great pain coming from every part of his body, he struggled to his feet and headed towards the finish line. writing The eager eyes of Zahra and his promise to her flashing through his mind, he ran as fast as his leg could carry him. Exhausted as he was, he was unwilling to give up. He thought to himself," Ali, you have to win the prize.” Eventually, he caught up with the other runners one by one and won the third prize. Homework: Write paragraph 2 by using this method 演示者姓名 电子邮件地址 网站 20XX 演示文稿标题 14 ... ...

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