ID: 21442954


日期:2024-10-21 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:579886B 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年第一-学期三年级英语期末学业质量测评卷 Ⅲ,听音,选择你所听到句子的答语。(10分】 ()11.A.See you later! B.Hi! (考试时间:40分钟;满分100分) ( )12.A.I feel very warm. B.I am nine years old. ()13.A.Her name is Kim 题号 XX 总分 B.His name is Steven. ()14.A.Her hair is brown B.My hair is black. 得分 ()15.A:This is my arm. B.No,my stomach hurts. W,听音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分) 听力部分(30分) 1.听音,选出你听到的字母或单词。(5分】 (1.A.EMS B.ETC C.GPS ()2.A.VP B.USA C.PRC ( )3.A.hand B.head 笔试部分(70分】 )4,A.happy B.tired C.cold 京发斯项 V.A)在四线三格内写出所给字母的大写或小写形式。(6分) B.cake 21.K 22.C 23.Q 24.d 25.r 26.j Ⅱ.听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(5分】 )6. B)根据图片把单词补充完整。(5分】 )7.A )8. A 7 ina _ite ish range V1选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分】 )9. 好价五形性{用 ( )32.A.old C.young ( )33.A.g B.boy C.sad 10. )34.A.worker B.part C.policeman 王㎡数安(0 ( )35.A.footB.body C.leg )36.Aa B.mother C.father 三英第1页(共4页) 三英第2页(共4页) VI.选择正确的选项,写在括号里。(10分) 套的年哈冈武出.曾花 )算一算,帮助小丑将球涂上相应的颜色。(8分)甲心 ()37.This is my friend. is a boy. A.His B.He C.She 化的食 ten nine ÷ ÷ ()38.-Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you,_ two-yellow two three B.too C.two three-brown three four ()39.-How many do you have -I have three crayons. four-orange + two A.crayon B.crayons two C.pens , five-black ()40.-Happy birthday!- six-red seven eight A.Thank you. B.I'm happy.C.Happy birthday! seven一geen five one ()41.-What's this - eight-white A.It's red. B.It's a desk.C.This is warm. three nine-blue one V皿.看图,写出相应的单词。(12分) + six three 42.pencil box 44.pen 45.pencil 46.crayon 47.ruler X.阅读短文,完成下列任务。(14分) Look!This is my family.My father is tall.He is37 years old.He is a bus driver.My mother is 35 years old.She is a teacher.She works()at a school.She is short.My name is Lily.I am a girl.I am a student.I'm short,too.I love my family. A)选择正确答案。 ()53.There are people()in my family. In my left hand,I have a」 and a A.two B.three C.five In my right hand,I have a and a ()54.My mother works at a X.A)补全对话。(10分) A.teacher B.driver A:48. ()55.Iam C.student B:Hi,Li Ming!49 A.tall B.short A.How are you A:Fine,thanks.50. B)判断正(T)误(F)。 B.Let's see a doctor. B:No,I'm sick. ()56.My mother is older than(t......)my father. C.Hello,Jenny! A:51. ()57.Lily loves her family. D.Are you okay B:My leg hurts. C)完成句子。 E.What's the matter A:52. Lily is a student.Her father is a58. Her mother is a 59. B:Okay. 三英第4页(共4页) 三英第3页(共4页)

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