ID: 21448567

【课时作业】Unit 3 Our Colorful School Life 第3课时 Thinking Skills & Reading Strategies (含答案)2024-2025学年英语仁爱

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:98次 大小:14007B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 第3课时 Thinking Skills & Reading Strategies 【基础达标作业】 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.There are three (建筑物) in our school. 2.—Where are your classmates now —They are on the (操场). 3.Li Hua likes (游泳) in the afternoon. 4.—We (打扫) our classroom every day. —So it is very (干净的). 5.There are two (宽敞的) roads next to the garden. 【能力巩固作业】 二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 there be play water games sing songs put on be open 1.—What do you want to do tomorrow —I want a play with my classmates. 2.Ann likes and her sister likes reading books. 3.Our school library for eight hours every day. 4.—What does those boys like —They like in the water. 5.—What’s in the garden — some beautiful flowers in it. 【素养拓展作业】 三、补全对话。 A:Good morning! B:1. ! What’s up A:I don’t know the way to the library. B:I can take you there. This way, please! A:Thank you. 2. B:It opens at 8:30 every day. It’s open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I sometimes read books at the school library. A:Really 3. B:I often read books with my classmates. A:4. B:Sure. I think you’ll enjoy yourself there. A:Thank you. B:5 . 参考答案 基础达标作业 一、 1.buildings 2.playground 3.swimming 4.clean clean 5.wide 能力巩固作业 二、 put on  2.singing songs open  4.playing water games  5.There are  素养拓展作业 三、 1.Good morning 2.What time is the library open  3.Who do you often read books with  4.May I go to the library with you  5.You’re welcome 

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