ID: 21448571

【课时作业】Unit 3 Our Colorful School Life第5课时 Grammar in Use (含答案 )2024-2025学年英语仁爱科普版七年级上册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:15289B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 第5课时 Grammar in Use 【基础达标作业】 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.—May I use your (小刀) —OK. Here it is. 2.There aren’t any books in these (箱子). 3.—Are there any (活动) in the music club today —No, there aren’t. 4.—Do you like (番茄) —Yes, I do. 5.—Is there (一些) juice in the glass —Yes, there is. 二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 in the music club at the start of make friends with in one’s hands be different from 1.I want to Li Lei. 2.Jim has three photos . One is from his pen pal in America. 3.Photos on the table those on the wall. 4.—What does Miss Gao do your English class —She often has a talk with us. 5. —Peter is . —That’s interesting. 【能力巩固作业】 三、补全对话。 A:Nice to meet you, John! B:Nice to meet you too, Lisa! A:Look at Sue’s desk. What a mess (杂乱)! B:1. A:There are two boxes on it. One is big, and the other is small. B:2. A:Yes, there are. I think they’re Sue’s toys. I’ll ask her to put it away (整理好). B:Oh. 3. A:There are some bottles in the small box. B:Is there any juice in the bottles A:4. . But there is some water in it. B:Good! May I have a bottle of water A:Of course. Catch (接住), please! B:5. . A:You’re welcome. 【素养拓展作业】 四、语篇填空。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。 there subject be like different some look America table photo Hello, everyone! Welcome to my home. This is our new TV. It’s on the 1. . A big sofa is next to the TV. The sofa 2. very nice. It is blue and white. There 3. the bedrooms. They’re for my parents, my sister and me. 4. is a clock on the wall of my parents’ bedroom. But there aren’t 5. clocks in both my bedroom and my sister’s. What are those They’re 6. . The boy in that photo is my pen pal, Dave. He’s a(n) 7. boy. His school life is 8. from our school life in China. He often goes to different classrooms for different 9. . There are some clubs in his school, such as the music club, the PE club and the art club. Dave 10. art and he is in the art club. I like reading books and I want to join the reading club in my school this year. 参考答案 基础达标作业 一、 1.knife 2.boxes 3.activities 4.tomatoes 5.any 二、 1.make friends with his hands  3.are different from the start of the music club 能力巩固作业 三、 1.What’s on the desk 2.Are there any toys in the big box 3.What’s in the small box 4.No, there isn’t 5.Thank you 素养拓展作业 四、 1.table 2.looks 3.are 4.There 5.any 7.American 8.different 9.subjects 10.likes

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