ID: 21452615

人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Video Time课件(共28张PPT+学习任务单+教案 3份)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:30次 大小:7029840B 来源:二一课件通
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    学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季 课题 Book 2 Unit 4 History and Traditions Video Time 教科书 普通高中教科书英语必修第二册 学生信息 姓名 学校 班级 学号 学习目标 At the end of the lesson, you will be able to: 1. acquire basic information about historic sites in London. 2. analyze what makes London worth visiting. 3. introduce historic sites in your local cities. 课前学习任务 1.搜索伦敦历史景点的图片和信息。 2.搜索本地的著名历史景点的信息和相关历史、传统等。 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】 Read the following introduction and write down adjectives to describe London. _____ 【学习任务二】 Match the pictures with their names. 【学习任务三】 Match the two parts of the sentences. 【学习任务四】 Which historic places would they like to visit She’d like to visit_____. She’d like to visit _____. He’d like to visit _____. 【学习任务五】 Which historic place would you like to visit Why I’d like to visit _____because_____. I’d also like to visit _____ because _____. 【学习任务六】 Watch the first part of the video and answer: What did Samuel Johnson say about London _____ What makes London a great city to walk in _____ 【学习任务七】 Take notes of procedures to introduce local historic sites. _____ 【学习任务八】 Take notes of good language to use in your introduction _____ 推荐的学习资源 课后参考英语辞海,对照课文任务,完成词汇整理(课件网) Book 2 Unit 4 History and TraditionsVideo Time 英语(人教版)杭州外国语学校 Learning objectives At the end of the lesson, you will be able to: acquire basic information about historic sites in London. analyze what makes London worth visiting. introduce historic sites in your local cities. Revision of the UK Introduction to London Introduction to London London Eye Big Ben double-decker 图片均来自于网络 Introduction to London What’s your impression of London big populous political center scenic historic 图片来自于人教版英语必修第二册 A H G D B E F C Pre-watching The Tower Bridge Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The National Gallery Trafalgar Square The Houses of Parliament Big Ben is a symbol of the city of London. is also called the Palace of Westminster. is where the king or queen lives. is where all royal funerals and most coronations take place. is in fact the name of the bell in the tower. is a traditional place for public meetings. contains a great art collection. 加冕 While-watching While-watching While-watching The Tower Bridge Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The National Gallery Trafalgar Square The Houses of Parliament Big Ben is a symbol of the city of London. is also called the Palace of Westminster. is where the king or queen lives. is where all royal funerals and most coronations take place. is in fact the name of the bell in the tower. is a traditional place for public meetings. contains a great art collection. 加冕 Which historic place would they like to visit I’d like to walk along the River Thames and see the gateway to th ... ...

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