ID: 21462869

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 同步培优 2024-2025学年英语人教版九年级全一册(含答案)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:24次 大小:309799B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 【悟情境·知考点】 考点1 belong to的相关用法 情境呈现 There is a wonderful team in our school called the Science Club. It belongs to all the students who love science. We do various experiments and activities together. We share our ideas and discoveries. We all feel proud to belong to this team. It makes us learn and grow. We hope to make more achievements in the future. 考点精讲 (1)belong to意为“属于;是……的一员”,不可用于进行时,也不能用于被动语态。 ·He belongs to the golf club. 他是高尔夫球俱乐部的成员。 (2)belong to后面可接名词或者代词,接名词时,不能接名词所有格;接人称代词时应用代词的宾格形式。 ·The book belongs to her. 这本书属于她。 拓展延伸 “belong to+人”相当于 be sb.’s。 ·This bike belongs to Kate.=This bike is Kate’s. 这辆自行车是Kate的。 任务1 巩固belong to的相关用法 子任务1~2 根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我们永远不要拿不属于我们的东西。 We should never take anything that doesn’t         us. 2.这匹马是你的吗      this horse         you 子任务3 同义句转换 3.The bag is mine. The bag             . 子任务4 根据汉语提示填空 4.The future         (属于) the young people and our hopes also rest with them. 考点2 情态动词表示推测的相关用法 情境呈现 Look at the dark clouds in the sky! I guess it might rain soon. Can it be a heavy rain I am not sure. But we’d better take an umbrella with us, just in case. If we don’t, we might get wet on our way home. 考点精讲 常见的用来表示推测的情态动词有: 句式 情态动词 含义 用法 肯定句 must 一定,肯定 表示肯定、有把握的推测 may/might/could 可能,或许 表示把握不大的推测 否定句 can’t 不可能 表示有把握的否定推测 may not 可能不 表示没把握的否定推测 疑问句 can/could 可能 表示推测 ·The book must be hers. Her name is on it. 这本书一定是她的。她的名字在上面。 ·They may know the way to the library. 他们可能知道去图书馆的路。 ·She might go swimming. She likes swimming. 她有可能去游泳了。她喜欢游泳。 ·—Can the red sweater be Tom’s 这件红色的毛衣会是Tom的吗 —No, it can’t be his. He hates red. 不,不可能是他的。他讨厌红色。 任务2 巩固情态动词表示推测的相关用法 子任务1~3 选词填空 must may can’t 1.—Are those Jim’s glasses —They     be Jim’s because he doesn’t wear glasses. 2.—What are you going to do this weekend —I’m not sure. I     go shopping. 3.—Does the sports watch belong to Mary —It     be hers. She is the only one who wears the sports watch in our class. 子任务4~5 根据汉语提示填空 4.The jeans         (不可能) Michael’s. They are too short for him. 5.Mr.Green stayed up late watching the basketball game last night. He             (肯定很困) today. 子任务6~7 英汉互译 6.You must feel very cold with only a shirt on. _____ 7.他们可能住在纽约,但是我也不确定。 _____ 考点3 land的相关用法 情境呈现 The man is an astronaut. He is a hero in my heart. He has managed to land safely for several times after his space mission. He is happy to be back on land again, and he is waving to the cheering crowd no ... ...

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