ID: 21462875

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7同步培优 (含答案)人教版九年级全一册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:35次 大小:265300B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 【悟情境·知考点】 考点1 instruction的相关用法 情境呈现 I find a new job in a restaurant. I work under Mr.Miller’s instructions. If I get no instructions to serve food for the customers, I will just help the cooks in the kitchen. Now I’m washing a new pot according to the instructions about how to wash it before using it. 考点精讲 (1)instruction 意为“命令,指示”时,多用复数形式。under instructions意为“奉命,接到指示”。 (2)instruction意为“操作指南,用法说明”时,其后常接介词on、for或about。 (3)instruction 意为“讲授,指导,教学”时,是不可数名词,常与介词in搭配使用。instruction后面接that从句时往往要用现在时。 任务1 巩固instruction的相关用法 子任务1~2 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1.Over 500 pupils are receiving     (instruction) in the school set up by Chinese. 2.Did you get     (instruction) to leave the city 子任务3~4 英汉互译 3.I’m under instructions not to say anything. _____ 4.我已经看了说明,但是没看懂。 _____ 考点2 cool的相关用法及拓展 情境呈现 One day, Jack got into an argument with his classmate. His classmate became very angry and almost lost his cool. Jack told him to cool down and not to get too angry. But his classmate didn’t listen and just kept shouting. Jack then said, “Cool it! Don’t be so excited.” However, his classmate still wouldn’t calm down. Finally, the teacher came and told the classmate to cool his heels for a while to calm down. Jack kept his cool throughout the whole incident and didn’t get angry at all. 考点精讲 keep one’s cool意为“保持镇定”,它的反义词是lose one’s cool和blow one’s cool意为“失去了冷静”。 拓展延伸 任务2 巩固cool的相关用法及拓展 子任务1~4 英汉互译 1.别紧张。设法放松下来。 _____ 2.Cooling my heels by the side of the road was so boring that I fell asleep there. _____ 3.If you are in a difficult situation, you should keep your cool instead of losing your cool. _____ 4.轻音乐可以帮你冷静下来。 _____ 考点3 believe与believe in的相关用法 情境呈现 I believe in learning. I believe something of myself that I have great potential (潜力). I believe that by working hard, we can all achieve our dreams. We should believe in ourselves and never give up. 考点精讲 believe和believe in都表示“相信;不疑”的意思,但两者的意思有细微的区别。 believe 意为“相信,信以为真”。它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语。believe somebody/something强调的是相信事情的真实性,或者强调某人说的话的真实性,客观地对事情而言的。 believe in 意为“信仰,信任”。其后常用的搭配为理论、原则、概念及可信任之人等。 拓展延伸 (1)believe in sth.认为某事好(或对、可接受) (2)believe sth. of sb. 相信某人能干出某事 任务3 巩固believe与believe in的相关用法 子任务1~2 选词填空 believe believe in 1.I     the importance of education. 2.The police didn’t      what he said. It was not true. 子任务3~4 英汉互译 3.I believe in the power of love. _____ 4.我们都相信他,因为他一直很诚实。 _____ 考点4 be thankful的相关用法 情境呈现 Paul offered his seat to an old woman on the bus. The woman was thankful to him. Whe ... ...

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