ID: 21463004

人教版九年级全册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元综合练习(含答案)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:24439B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5单元综合练习2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册 一、单选题 1.Mr. Wang _____ English in this school _____ he moved to the city. A.has taught; for B.taught; since C.taught; for D.has taught; since 2.Books are made_____ paper while paper is mainly made_____ wood. A. of;of B.of;from C. from;of D. from;from 3.—China has made a_____ victory in its fight against poverty(贫困). —As Chinese, we are proud of our country. A.correct B.creative C.complete D. comfortable 4.We can leave two hours earlier if the work _____. A.completes B.completed C. is completed D. was completed 5.—Simon, I'm afraid we can't_____ the model spaceship this afternoon. —Well, we needn't finish it today. It's fine if we give it to Mr. Wang tomorrow. A. compete C.complete D.communicate 6.Reading is very important. You'd better_____ a good habit of reading. B.form C. discover D. solve 7.People often lit a fire to ask for help when_____ in the old days. A. in trouble B. in person C. in time D. in peace 8.During the Spring Festival, this kind of paper is_____ on windows, doors and walls. A.put up B.put off C.put out D.put away 9.—Mr. Black always makes his class_____ and keeps his students interested in class. —What a successful teacher he is! A.boring B.lovely C.slow D. lively 10.London, which used to be known_____ "the foggy city", is famous_____ its various places of interest now. A.for;as;for C.for;for;as 二、阅读理解 Fan Shenghua is one of the inheritors(继承人) of West Lake Longjing tea roasting technique(炒茶技艺). He has been making Longjing tea for more than forty years. Longjing tea leaves are famous for their color, taste and shape. "You have to touch the leaves with your hands to feel how much water is being removed(去除)," Fan said. "If too much is removed, the leaves will break into pieces; if not enough is removed, the tea will taste bitter(苦的)." This traditional technique dates back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It not only makes the tea taste good, but has also become an important part of Chinese tea culture. These days, however, more people are using machines to do the job. "It's easier, but the quality is not as good," Fan said. "Machine-made tea floats longer in water and tastes bitter." In March this year, when Chinese President visited Hangzhou, he watched Fan roast tea. Fan changed the strength and movement of his hands as he roasted leaves. The president later said, "The things made by two palms(手掌) cannot be replaced by modern technology." Fan is now teaching some young men. His son, a 27-year-old college graduate, is one of them. "It's a tradition. We need to pass it down," he said. 11.What does the underlined part "This traditional technique" refer to A. Picking tea leaves. B. Roasting tea leaves by hand. C. Drinking tea in a traditional way. D. Growing tea plants on the mountains. 12.What does Fan think of making tea by machine A. It is easier than by hand. B. It has a long history in China. C. It makes t ... ...

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