ID: 21464960

湖南衡阳名校2025届高三一轮复习强化练 10月第3周 英语(含解析)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:35次 大小:59925B 来源:二一课件通
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2024年10月份第3周 英语 一、阅读理解 Olympic athletes pour everything into training for the Games, routinely pushing their physical and mental bounds to the limit-and beyond-for a shot at a gold medal. Yet they are often accompanied by an emotional comedown. Emotions are heightened by the nature of the event itself. The Olympias is a massive cultural event-a combination of global public attention, financial investment and media coverage. New international celebrities are created, and some competitors’ reputations are ruined during various accusations. Athletes are under the pressure of representing their country and winning medals in front of worldwide audience. "But then all of that publicity and intensity around being an Olympian falls off very quickly," says Cogan, a lead sport psychologist. It’s more about making a map of how to get to a destination. Once you get there, it’s like, "Now what ” A 2023 paper explained the identity crises athletes face as a result of overfocus on performance, leaving their non-sporting personalities underdeveloped. In a 2018 paper, Howells wrote that athletes with a greater "myopia” focus are mare at risk of the "blues". "It is common for top competitors to have this very high athletic identity," says Howells. "They’ve sacrificed(牺牲)every other aspects of their identity for the purpose of being an Olympian. They seem unable to realize that their actions might have negative consequences in the future." Efforts to minimize this mindset have helped some athletes to open up more about their mental health. Experts advise Olympians to start conversations about mental health support well before the Games begin. Olympians should also discuss mental health monitoring strategies before, during and after the Games. Athletes and experts say the sporting industry has, in the last decade, been promoting better work-life balance outside of the game. Briana, a soccer goalkeeper, says that her team and coaches actively encourage spending quality time with families and significant others, as well as finding hobbies that feel joyful and rewarding. 1.What is the main cause for Olympic athletes’ mental breakdown A. A sense of loss. B. The pressure of competition. C. The media coverage. D. The audience’s attention. 2.What does the underlined word "myopic" in Paragraph 3 mean A. Ridiculous. B. Short-sighted. C. All-around. D. Unexpected. 3.What might be a fundamental solution to the athletes’ identity crisis A. Having higher athletic identity. B. Discussing their problems publicly C. Developing a sense of identity outside the sport. D. Making greater achievements in sporting industry. 4.Which of the following is the best title for the text A. From Bad to Worse: Athletes’ Well-being B. Olympic Athletes Suffering from Stress C. Athletes Adapting to Post-Olympie Period D. From Hero to Zero: the Post-Olympic Blues Here is a selection of the world’s most unusual buildings that define a place through inventive ways of adapt ... ...

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