ID: 21470797

2024-2025学年人教版八年级英语下册习题(Units 1-10)(含答案)

日期:2024-10-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:79182B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 What’s the matter 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 A teacher must be in c_____ of her class. He is a great mountain _____ (登山者), he can climb the mountain alone. Although her parents weren’t at home, she can look after h_____. You have a _____ (发烧), you should stay in bed for two days. What’s the m_____ with your computer There are lots of _____ (乘客) in the rain. The old man has some t_____ in communicating with others. Mum, can I have a _____ (休息), I’m too tired. She must look after her s_____ son at home. Look! There is some _____ (血) on your hands. 用所给词的适当形式填空 Can you tell me the _____ (important) of learning English We must make a _____ (decide) about where to go at first. The little boy has only two _____(tooth). We enjoyed _____ (we) at the party last night. Can you pass me two _____ (knife) What’s the _____ (mean) of this word We are very sad because of his _____ (die). You need to take some _____ (medicine) if you have a cough. They kept working _____(with) having a rest all day. She needs _____ (finish) her homework in two hours. 单项选择 ( )1. The box is _____ heavy, I can’t lift it. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too ( )2. The boy is _____ to go to school. old enough B. young enough C. enough old D. enough young ( )3. I like coffee _____ milk and sugar because it tastes sweet. without B. with C. in D. on ( )4. My mother _____ me the zoo if she _____ free. will take; will be B. takes; is C. will take; is D. takes; will be ( )5. Betty is a _____ girl. six - year - old B. six - years - old C. six year old D. six years old ( )6. Here is _____ water, let’s buy some. a few B. a little C. few D. little ( )7. She used _____ in the city but she is used _____ in the countryside. to live; to live B. living; living C. to living; to live D. to live; to living ( )8. He got up early _____ he can catch the first bus. in order to B. so that C. so D. because ( )9. Lily kept _____ all night. on study B. on studying C. study D. to study ( )10. Don’t give up _____ your dream. chase B. to chase C. chasing D. in chasing 翻译句子 托尼非常乐于助人。 Tony _____ _____ _____ help others. 不要把钱都用光。 Don’t _____ _____ _____ money. 我们的父母不希望我们冒险。 Our parents don’t wish us to _____ _____. 据说她来自德国。 _____ _____ _____ she comes from Germany. 令我们吃惊的是,她获得了第一名。 _____ _____ _____, she won the first prize. 补全对话 A: Good afternoon, young man. 1._____ B: Good afternoon, doctor. I don’t feel well. I have a headache. A: Do you have a fever B: 2._____ My mother took my temperature just now. She said it was OK. A: Oh, I think you may have a cold. B: 3._____ A: You should drink much water. B: 4. _____ A: Well, you should go to bed early and have a good rest. B: 5._____ A: No. It’s nothing serious, so you can go to school. B: Thank you very much. A: You’re welcome. 完形填空 For a full time worker and a mother of three, it seems impossible to spend time 1._____, but Hope Cooper can make ... ...

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