ID: 21470815

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of单元测试题(含答案)辽宁盘锦2024-2025学年九年级英语全册

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:55次 大小:29139B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5 What are the shirts made of 单元测试题 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共44分) Ⅰ 单项选择(共10分,每小题1分) 从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项,并将其代表字母填在题前括号内。 ( )1. —Is the ring made of      silver — Yes. It is made of      best silver in our factory. A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / D. /; a ( )2--I don’t believe the toy is made    hand. The patterns (图案) are really fine. --I don’t believe it, either. But no machine is used during the whole process. A. for B. with C. by D. in ( )3. — Kate’s allowed to chat on WeChat with her friends at home,      she — Yes. Her parents think she is old enough. A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. does D. is ( )4. — Mom, is it OK for me to watch TV for a while — Sorry. Why not watch TV after your homework      A. completes B. completed C. has completed D. is completed ( )5. — An iPad is really a great thing. — I agree. However,    . Using iPads too much has a bad influence on us. A. every dog has its day B. the grass is always greener on the other side C. no pains, no gains D. every coin has two sides ( )6. It’s bad to throw about paper everywhere. We must avoid     that. A. do B doing C did do ( )7. You shirt looks nice. What is it made      --Silk ,and it’s made     Shanghai. ; of B. of; from C .of; in ; of ( )8.Rice     in the south of China. A. grows B. grow C. is growing grown ( )9.    a student, we must obey the school’s rules. A. As B. to C. On D. With ( )10.The room    every day. You can live in now. A. cleans cleaning cleaned D. has cleaned Ⅱ 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选 择一个最佳选项,并将代表字母填在题前括号内。 A professor(教授) told students to go into the city slums(贫民窟)to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to 11 reports about each boy’s life and future. Most of the students wrote, “He doesn’t have any hope.” Twenty-five years 12 , another professor read about the earlier reports. He told his students to 13 what happened to the boys, They tried very hard and found that 176 of the boys had become successful 14 doctors, teachers or scientists. The professor was very 15 and decided to study it further. Luckily, all the men were living in the same city and he was able to visit and ask each one,“What made you 16?” They all answered, “They were a good teacher.” The teacher was 17 living there, so the professor found her and asked the old lady 18 she had pulled those boys out of the slum, and changed them into successful people. The teacher’s 19 began to shine and said with a sweet smile, “It’s really very easy, I 20 those boys. I’m proud of them.” ( ) 11. A. read B. study C. write ( )12 .A. later B. before C. ago ( ) 13. A. search B. find out C. look at ( )1 4. A. for B. like C. as ( )15. A. sad B. surprised C. worried ( ) 16. A. surprising B. successful C. famous ( ) 17. A. already B. even C. still ( ) 18. A. how B. where C. when ( ) 19. A. face B. ... ...

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