ID: 21470828

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?预习案课件(5份打包)2024-2025学年英语人教版九年级全一册

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:40次 大小:1244120B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Period 2 预习案Section A 3a~4c 课本P19~P20 01 学习目标 02 课前预习 03 思考探究 04 课后作业 掌握where,when,how,what,why等疑问词引导的宾语从句的用法。 一、必背单词 名词 1.葡萄  _ 动词 2.建议;提议  _ 形容词 3.中心的;中央的  _ 兼词 4.v.邮寄;发电子邮件 n.信件;邮件  _ 5.adj.东方的;东部的 adv.向东;朝东 n.东; 东方  _  east  mail  central  suggest  grape 二、重点短语 1.经过;路过 2.抱歉;对不起;什么,请再说一遍 3.在某人去……的路上 4.在门口 5.在那时 at that time at the door on one’s way to pardon me pass by 三、经典句型 1.———打扰了,你能告诉我最近的银行在哪里吗? ———当然可以。沿着这条街向东走…… —Excuse me,could you please tell me where the nearest bank is? —Sure.You go east along this street… 2.———你知道我们在哪儿可以很快地买到好吃的食物吗? ———当然! —Do you know where we can get some good food quickly? —Of course! 3.让我们问一下乐队什么时候开始表演。 Let’s ask what time the band starts playing. 1.Renmin Park is in the     part of the city. 2.Tom     taking his mother out for dinner. 3.The sun rises in the     and sets in the west. 4.Why don’t you    a thank-you letter to her? 5.You can eat more fruit, like apples, oranges and    .  grapes   mail   east   suggests  A.根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。  central  suggest east grape central mail B.请用以上重点短语和句型完成下列句子。 6.我看见他们每天从我家旁边经过。 I see them     my home every day. 7.我希望你能原谅我这么做。 I hope you can     for doing so. 8.我在上学的路上遇到我的一个朋友。 I met a friend of mine     school. 9.门口有人。There is somebody    . 10.我那时很忙。I was busy    .  at that time   at the door   on my way to   pardon me   go/walk past或pass by  Alice and He Wei were in Space World.Alice wondered where to go 11.   .He Wei suggested 12.    on the new ride,but Alice thought it was scary.He Wei told Alice if she was 13.   ,she could shout or hold his hand.After the ride,Alice agreed that it was fun.So He Wei said that Alice never knew 14.    she tried something.  until   scared   going  C.课文复述。请根据课本3a完成短文填空。  next  way next go scare pass new until busy serve if early play Then they went to Water City Restaurant in Water World,because it 15.    delicious food.On their 16.    to Water City Restaurant,Alice and He Wei 17.    by Uncle Bob’s.The sign said a rock band played there every evening.Alice and He Wei walked up to a staff person and asked when the band would start 18.    that evening.The staff told them the time and that the restaurant was always 19. _  at that time so they had better come a little 20.    to get a table.  earlier  busy  playing   passed   way   served  way next go scare pass new until busy serve if early play 一、语法:宾语从句的用法。 1.含义:在复合句中作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 2.时态 ... ...

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